NEW SITKA Ambient 75

McKean getting pushed off FW Commission

So, we have Worsech as Director. Seems a good selection. Been around a good while.

5 Districts... should match the same # as our main hunt districts (edit: I meant Regions), though another subject. The big G appoints three with two crossing over from Bullock's last two years of his term.

McKean hopped in at the end of Bullocks term due to Brower resigning his post to move outside his District(?). Wasn't Brower appointed '19? McKean has served as a Commissioner for four months(?) and is now on the block for our new G to boot or keep and from Gevock's opening comment, It doesn't seem G's interested?

Noob Question #1 - Why is McKean even on the chopping block if he's filling for Brower appointed is '19(?) It's a 4 year term... Isn't this more a Senate confirmation more than an appointment chop or not?

Noob Q #2 - Is there reasoning behind ousting McKean for another even though this is not supposed to be politically motivated or... heck, --- Basically, one of you guru's mind spelling out the basics for the Joe and Jane outdoor Montanan's so we have more info, please.

McKean - I've heard of from the Outdoor Life magazine world. Seems a quality guy with an impressive background. The post is not intended to knock him.

Thanks - eh, in advance.
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Andrew is a top notch guy. There is not a person on the list of proposed commissioners qualified to even carry his empty ammo.

I've known Andrew since 1994. Level headed as they get. Sincere, smart, and qualified to lead the Commission some day.

That's probably why they don't want him on the commission....he's too smart, would make good decisions, and can easily spot BS.
We hitched our wagon to the Trump train and voted in all R's without any due diligence and without having any idea what the consequences would be.
This current crop of ridiculousness started with the Tea Party reactionism well before Trump. The modern Montana Republican Party rode reactionism and outrage to into power without a clue of how to govern once they got there.
This current crop of ridiculousness started with the Tea Party reactionism well before Trump. The modern Montana Republican Party rode reactionism and outrage to into power without a clue of how to govern once they got there.
As Montanans we regularly moan about the NR moving here. I used to think they were making the state more liberal but we forgot to account for all of the conservatives moving here to escape their own liberal states. I think the days of Montana being a purple state are gone.
As Montanans we regularly moan about the NR moving here. I used to think they were making the state more liberal but we forgot to account for all of the conservatives moving here to escape their own liberal states. I think the days of Montana being a purple state are gone.
The problem of many of the “conservatives” moving here is they aren’t. Outrage over “the other sides excesses” drive their policies more than the principles of the ideology they sentimentally claim.
Andrew McKean wasn't even invited to speak before the Senate Fish and Game committee to introduce himself, and now it's clear that he will be voted down as a commissioner. Just check here:

McKean goes in front of the committee this Tuesday, the 16th. If you want to testify at the hearing you need to sign up by noon the day before the hearing at this link.

So by looking at that list from LC3187, he isn't even being given the chance? Or is LC3197 something different than McKeans committee hearing on Tuesday the 16th? I want to testify, if it will still help.
So by looking at that list from LC3187, he isn't even being given the chance? Or is LC3197 something different than McKeans committee hearing on Tuesday the 16th? I want to testify, if it will still help.
I believe the bill you would comment on is SR61
So by looking at that list from LC3187, he isn't even being given the chance? Or is LC3197 something different than McKeans committee hearing on Tuesday the 16th? I want to testify, if it will still help.

Andrew was segregated out of the other picks so that they can kill his nomination without doing any amendments to the resolution. It's an efficient way to execute a dismissal without having to do any bill drafting on the back end.
Noob Question #1 - Why is McKean even on the chopping block if he's filling for Brower appointed is '19(?) It's a 4 year term... Isn't this more a Senate confirmation more than an appointment chop or not?

I figure my layman understanding of filling in for another who vacated the seat is flawed as I'm sure this would've been addressed already. Someone able to explain how this works? Why wouldn't he be able to serve the term Brower was given?

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