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Marvel gets a spanking


New member
Jun 13, 2002
Boise, Idaho, U.S.A.
He is pretty arrogant so it would not surprise me if he did what Wright said he did.

January 29, 2008
1:15 p.m. -- Anti-grazing activist accused of shoving Fish and Game commissioner

Anti-grazing activist Jon Marvel has been banned from speaking to Idaho Department of Fish and Game employees, after officials accused him of shoving a department commissioner.

Marvel denies the accusation.

Fish and Game sent Marvel a letter asking him to communicate with employees only in writing after an argument with Commissioner Wayne Wright escalated into a physical confrontation at a December meeting on wolf management in Hailey, Fish and Game Deputy Director Virgil Moore said.

Marvel said he argued with Wright but never touched him and called Fish and Game's policy "grandstanding."

"I think it's an orchestrated effort to attack me, to distract attention from the work our group has been doing with regard to the mismanagement of fish and game," he said.

Marvel is the executive director of the environmental group the Western Watersheds Project.
It is a bogus claim by Wright. If it was a legit claim, they would have charged Marvel with battery.

Ottter and company just don't want Jon to have a seat at the table.
Our office got a FOIA request from Western Watershed a couple weeks ago. We have an RMS and range tech busy, busy killing trees on the copy machine.
We have an RMS and range tech busy, busy killing trees on the copy machine.
Yeppers, nothing like tax dollars at work. IIRC in one FOIA alone our office had to make 30K pages of copies. Just a bit of advice, if at all possible get the documents scanned or find electronic copies. It makes giving them to them again much easier.

I don't know if Marvel did it or not, but I'm guessing he's still upset he agreed to a increase in livestock AUMs in an area not too far from his home... :D
It is a bogus claim by Wright. If it was a legit claim, they would have charged Marvel with battery.

Ottter and company just don't want Jon to have a seat at the table.

Not everyone goes to the police when shoving occurs. However, I am sure Marvel would appreciate your eyewitness testimony in getting this matter cleared up.
More on the story....... seems like it was Wright who did the physical contact.

Prominent Idaho anti-grazing activist Jon Marvel has been banned from speaking to Idaho Department of Fish and Game employees after officials accused him of shoving a department commissioner at a December meeting.
Marvel and two other witnesses vehemently dispute the account.

Fish and Game sent Marvel a letter asking him to communicate with employees only in writing. The letter was prompted after an argument between Marvel and Commissioner Wayne Wright escalated into a physical confrontation at a December meeting on wolf management in Hailey, said Virgil Moore, Fish and Game deputy director.

"We sent a letter to Mr. Marvel (saying) that his behavior at the meeting in December was inappropriate," said Moore, who said he saw the confrontation.

Marvel said he argued with Wright but never touched him.

He called Fish and Game's policy "grandstanding."

"I think it's an orchestrated effort to attack me, to distract attention from the work our group has been doing with regard to the mismanagement of Fish and Game," he said.

Marvel is the executive director of the nonprofit conservation group Western Watersheds Project. He has won dozens of court decisions against the Bureau of Land Management across the West and has provoked the ire of many ranchers.

Two witnesses gave accounts that corroborated Marvel's story. Western Watersheds' Brian Ertz and Stanley wolf advocate Lynne Stone said they were at the meeting and that Wright was the only one who got physical in the confrontation.

Both said Marvel questioned Wright about whether Fish and Game plans to kill 600 wolves after the animals are taken off the endangered species list, which sparked a heated debate.

Stone and Ertz said Wright made a statement that God approved humans managing wildlife, which they took to mean Fish and Game planned to kill 600 wolves. They also said Wright patted Marvel on the back in a condescending manner.

Wright confirmed that he made the statement but said it did not mean Fish and Game has any intention of killing 600 wolves and said he doesn't remember touching Marvel.

"I said God gave man the ability to manage wildlife, that I thought God had given me the ability to manage wildlife," he said. "It doesn't necessarily mean we use these abilities in the right way or the wrong way."

Asked if Marvel shoved him, Wright referred to Moore's account, which he said is accurate.

"It's not a personal thing for me," Wright said. "I certainly have no angst or animosity towards Mr. Marvel."

Moore said Fish and Game did not file any charges but that Marvel's run-in was part of a pattern of behavior.

"We've had a few (incidents), mostly aggressive verbal behavior towards staff, but nothing that has ever elevated to this level," he said.

Marvel denied he was overly aggressive and pointed to the lack of charges as further proof of his innocence. "If there were any truth to any of these charges, why haven't I been charged with anything?" he said.
Perhaps they are tired of his verbal abuse as well. I am surprised that the Idaho ranchers haven't done something to him at one of those meetings.

I actually agree with alot of what Marvel wants to get done but I sure don't agree with his tactics and his attitude.

I agree, he has been too willing to compromise and negotitate lately. He shouldn't be compromising on things when he is right.

Is compromise even in his vocabulary? That guy enjoys being a PITA, he loves to be piss off everyone in the room it seems like. Maybe he wasn't loved as a child.

Do you have any examples of him compromising on something he could win?

Is compromise even in his vocabulary? That guy enjoys being a PITA, he loves to be piss off everyone in the room it seems like. does Jose = Jon Marvel???

Have you ever seen them together???

I think we have finally cracked Jose's secret identity!!!!!

"Hi there. I am completely sane and have a very even demeanor. Can I buy you a steak?"

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