Maroon Bells-Snowmass Wilderness Unit 43 CO


New member
Apr 23, 2018
Gray Court, SC
Has anyone on here hunted during the archery elk season in the Maroon Bells-Snowmass Wilderness area in unit 43 in CO? This will be my first year elk hunting, and I will be going during the otc archery elk season in CO, and I'm in South Carolina, so I won't be able to physically scout the area before my hunt due to limited vacation time. Heading out Sept. 7-16, and will be backpacking in a few miles and pitching up camp. Looking at onx topos and Google earth, it looks like some rugged country, but with plenty of timber and water. From what I've read, it seems to be a really popular place for backpackers and hikers that aren't hunting, along with a few outfitters. Just curious if it would be worth going out there. Any and all info and advice is welcomed! Thanks in advance!
I can't help with archery, but I hunted first rifle there last year and it was one of the better CO hunts I've had. We ended up filling 1 of 3 tags, but we saw elk everyday and had a couple marginal chances that myself and another guy decided not to take. Definitely a good idea to plan on backpacking or at least spiking out a night or two. The country is huge and steep. Even during the October rifle season we found elk right around treeline. That time of year is popular for other outdoor recreationalists, but if you stay away from main trails and definitely Conundrum Hot Springs you should be able to get away from the crowds. There is also some mellower terrain in the western part of the unit (west of Carbondale, Redstone area) that is a little lower elevation and not quite as rugged. There are elk there too. Be sure to check out the Colorado Hunt Atlas as it's a great resource.
That is rugged terrain so be sure to get lots of heavy packing/stair climbing in while you're in SC. My advice is to research the 14r's in the area and all of the routes to summit them, then stay away from those trails. When I am hunting or scouting, I use the trails as an interstate of sorts. I can cover ground faster and then take an exit into the backcountry.
U do realize that’s smack dab in middle of muzzy season too? I would consider going after if your schedule allowed u to. And that is some of the most rugged country CO has to offer and from what I’ve researched the bells are the most trafficked wilderness in CO due to all the 14ers and high peaks in that area.
There are plenty of elk in that unit but its some rugged country. Be prepared to climb! I'd think about changing your dates because of muzzle loader, its just added pressure when you are trying to do your thing. Elk should still be high! Good luck!
Thanks for the info guys! That is a huge help! I wish I could change my dates to the last week of archery, but that is the times I could take off this year, and I'd rather go during muzzy season and take my chances than not go at all, so I'm going to give it a try!
Hunted deer with a friend in the unit. It is a serious, no joke, get yourself killed, rugged county. I had no trouble finding elk while looking for deer. Get into the best shape you can. Get set for some of the most beautiful country you will ever see.

Another friend drew a goat tag in the unit so I get to go back to the Deadly Bells in September. Right after we get done chasing elk in New Mexico.
Thanks for the info! I can't wait to go up there. Heard it's awesome country, but rough terrain, in all the stuff I've read. Good luck in NM, I will be starting to put in for there next year. When is the goat hunt?
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