Mark K from southern MN

Mark K

New member
Nov 21, 2019
I am Mark K from southern MN. I am 49 years old. I have been hunting whitetails for 30 years. I have shot some nice ones but only one record book deer and the taxi stole it.
I hunt, fish, trap, rockhound, and metal detect. I go on at least one epic adventure every year. They usually last about 3 weeks and I have a ball every time. Even when things go to pot.
My usual spots to go are rockhounding MT and ID, rockhounding AZ and NM, Fishing in the Keys. (going again in Mar/Apl)

I am a Corrections Officer for the state of MN. This is the educated/ professional version of a prison guard. I have done some stupid stuff in support of my peers and have paid the price. In Sept 2018 we had a guy clobber one of our female officers and we pig piled him. I ended up on the bottom. Got hurt pretty bad. Back to work now on light duty but hope to BS my way back to full duty on Monday.
I served with the 1/377th Field Artillery at Ft Campbell. Got hurt pretty bad there too, but I worked it out then just like I will now.

Now that I have watched most of the Fresh Tracks vids, I have decided that I am going to try to kill an elk in KS or NE next year. A guy I know goes every year and I think I will go with him next time.

If I don't say much, don't take it wrong. I learned to sit down, shut up and listen to the experts. That is what I will likely do until there is something I can add.

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