LWCF gets dangerous amend from Daines!

Well, Daines got an earful from me. I hope the rest of you Montana guys let him know how you feel about his vote.
Bottom line here is Congress had a chance to reauthorize the strongest pro-access tool in the entire legal toolbox. Daines cast the deciding vote that killed it. Instead, he tried to hold LWCF hostage to his larger public lands agenda. As sportsmen, we need to give Daines a chance to set things right and then hold his feet to the fire until he does it. Something like half the fishing access sites in Montana were paid for with LWCF, from kiddie ponds to the Paradise Valley. Daines really let us down with this bonehead move.
Idaho Senators Crapo and Risch also voted "No" on the permanent re-authorization of the LWCF amendment and "Yes" to the Daines amendment. Probably want to let them know about your disappointment too.
I castigated Daines with a call to his D.C. office , along with the promise that he will pay a political price for deceiving his constituents regarding LWCF. Senator Testers' office said Sen. Tester would continue to work across the aisle to get LWCF passed.
This is what I wrote to my senators:
Senator Risch,

I want to let you know how extremely disappointed I am that you voted no on Amendment #92 to S.1 that would have permanently reauthorized the LWCF. As someone who purports to be looking out for the best interest of Sportsmen this was indeed a low blow. The law expires in September and before that happens I strongly encougage you to get it reauthorized.

Hunting and fishing require more than a rod and a gun. It also requires a place to go. Unfortunately your track record on public lands is getting worse by the day, and I and lots of other sportsmen in the state are taking notice.

Yours Truly,

Andrew Smart
Thanks for the template Andrew and the link Oak. Two Kansas senators heard from this public land hunter.
Conservationists Feel 'Sucker Punched' By Daines Public Lands Votes

"I know my colleagues in the Montana Wilderness Association and Backcountry Hunters and Anglers as well, feel like they’ve been sucker punched. They didn’t see this coming." Potts says conservationists feel sucker punched because in December, the Republican Senator sent groups like theirs a letter asking for their ideas on how Congress can increase energy development in the state while ensuring good stewardship of the environment. And then, "Last week we were quite disappointed to learn that Senator Daines had cast several votes that he had not discussed with his constituents," Potts says. "One of which would have re-authorized the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). "

Pretty much expressing what Randy spoke to, and I have heard from some others.
Both of my MI Senators that I sent emails to voted Yea and the senior one sent a nice email back thanking me for my concern on this matter!
My neighbor called the local television network to let them know that Daines was on TV telling everyone he that he worked together to get a blill passed and was trying to take credit for it and when you looked up how he voted he had voted against it ,truly hypocritical ...very sad.

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