Looks like I'll be going back to Iraq..

Good luck man. You know the economy is in the shitter when a fella has to go to a war zone to feed his family.
Gila... I drew in NM for Oryx Feb '09, I was going to come Bug you and buy you dinner !! So are you going to be back my Next Feb ? Please post when you're back !!!

Be safe guys !!!

You lucky b...... ha haaa
26 years of applying and I've never drawn a tag. I'll check in here from time to time and let you know but I doubt I will be here before March of next year except for a short R&R or maybe two.
I am also with the rest of the guys in here on wishing you all the best and thanking you for your service. I know what a sacrifice it is and how much you have to give of your selves and the stress and frustration you guys go through. God Bless you both and may His angles be guardian over you.
Give em hell guys. Our family has the utmost respect for anyone willing to lay it all out on the line for the freedoms we enjoy in this country. Stay safe and THANK-You!
Well, talked to my supervisor last night and it looks l ike I'll be returning to the same exact job I've had for the past two years at Scania. It's better than the job I had the first year I was over there..... I spent the first year driving in convoys and getting blown up and shot at on a regular basis... At least for the past two years I stayed inside a base.
Well, like you say, its a job. I have another friend that was in Afganistan for one year, but can't get back. They would like to, the pay was good. Do they need any accountants where you're going?

Good luck, pay all the bills, if you can, but man take care of your knee.
Gila and Ovis:

Thanks for your service to us all. Our best wishes to you and your families while you are away.

Stay safe and come back soon.

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