Lookin for moose...


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2007
Happy Valley, OR
I just got back from 7 days in Wyoming looking for moose. I had a great time and could have shot several bulls. Just never found one big enough.

Here is the first little bull I saw.

Tell me this is not great looking moose country.

Saw this little bull getting romantic with this cow.hump This was the only rutting activity I saw. A little early yet.

I saw this guy right after he had rubbed his velvet.

Watched this pretty bear one day. I saw three bears and the hunt was open. Might just buy a tag when I go back.


All together I saw 11 different bulls. I'll go back in a couple weeks to see if I can find a big one. My cousin had a region G tag and since he helped me with my buck last year I thought I better see if I could help him. We hiked into the same area I killed my buck last year and saw this buck with a bunch of other bucks at first light. My cousin passed him as they moved over the top. Then awhile later they got spooked back into the next basin and after looking at him with 10 other bucks we decided he was a shooter. He is only a 3X4 but has great mass and all sorts of points at his bases. Pretty cool buck.
Very cool! Pretty neat being able to see so much different game up there. Good luck when you head back....take more pics for us.
Sweet buck I am heading over there on Friday hope there are a few more like that left!!