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Leupold is killing me!


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2016
Windsor, Colorado
Leupold and announcing their laser range finding binocs are killing me! They announced the version right before Covid hit...and then had to drop the line because of supply they've announced the BX-4 Range HD in January, said it should be hitting the streets by late March...and still NADA! Come on Leupold....make sure you can produce your product before you ANNOUNCE IT!!!!
It seems like maybe they’re having problems getting it off the ground. Perhaps you should wait a couple of years until they work the bugs out.
I have yet to see anyone score a set of these. Are they in production still?
I've looked through a few pairs of range finding binos from Swaro and Sig...both have very underwhelming optical quality and weight. Rangefinding time on the Swaros I used was also painfully slow. I seem to remember several podcasts mentioning that they have to sacrifice optics to make the display work but can't remember which one it was.

I'd rather have good binos and good rangefinder as separate devices than have 1 device that isn't good at both.
I have always heard that the glass quality will suffer due to size and weight restrictions
Until Leupold supports repair of their electronic products long term and/or improves the warranty, I'll pass on anything from them with circuits.
Yeppers. Have their range finder that goes out ????, cont' remember the code, Paid $500 for it. 18 most later on a mule deer trip the fiber optics that show the yardage only show the first 2 numbers. i.e. Blank 36 yards. Is it 536 yards, 436 yards, 836 yards???? So, it WAS under warranty, and they did send me a new one. BUT, Ive got $500 invested in the damn thing and if it goes bad again, Im up she creek. $500 wasted. And don't tell me your brand is better than Leupold. They told me that they are all made in the same chinese factory, just the contracted features differ. Kinda pisses me off. Why don't they offer a 7 year or 6 year warranty??
I've been very happy with the optics and the rangefinder of my Leica rangefinder binos. My sons have been using Vortex Fury rangefinder binos and the rangefinder is very good, optics are very good too but not as good as my Leica binos, IMO. I'd like to get my hands on the new Leupold's, but I did have one of their rangefinders go bad only to find out the electronics have a fairly short warranty period.
They told me that they are all made in the same chinese factory, just the contracted features differ. Kinda pisses me off. Why don't they offer a 7 year or 6 year warranty??
The answer is right there before you!

Q. Why don't they offer a 7 year or 6 year warranty??

A. They told me that they are all made in the same chinese factory, just the contracted features differ.
I've been very happy with the optics and the rangefinder of my Leica rangefinder binos. My sons have been using Vortex Fury rangefinder binos and the rangefinder is very good, optics are very good too but not as good as my Leica binos, IMO. I'd like to get my hands on the new Leupold's, but I did have one of their rangefinders go bad only to find out the electronics have a fairly short warranty period.
The answer is right there before you!

Q. Why don't they offer a 7 year or 6 year warranty??

A. They told me that they are all made in the same chinese factory, just the contracted features differ.
No doubt. It was a rhetorical question, LOLOLOL. And I sympathize with them. Everyone wants to buy cheap chinese shot, and they aren't willing to pay what it really costs to make stuff. I get it. A conundrum.
Have always liked Nikon...always thought that they were some of the best optics for the money, too bad they no longer make rifle scopes. That said, my Leica CRF 1000-R range finder is awesome, great optics and performance.
Bought my first rangefinder in 2001 or so. Nikon 800. Lost it packing an elk out in 2004 or so. Bought a Nikon Monarch Gold 1200. Still using it. Don't know if Nikon still makes rangefinders, but my experience has been good. If it fails I am looking at Sig or Leica. mtmuley
Still Rocking the Nikon Range Finder the old man picked up 9 years ago. Just replaced the battery this year. Not saying it's better than other brands just saying it works and if it isn't broke don't fix it lol
So I found that Scheels here in town had a set of Leupold BX-4 Range HD binocs in stock so I eased on over to check them out...I found the optics to be pretty damn sharp. I couldn't do any long distance laser range finding in the store obviously but the display was crisp and the response of the operation was fast (as fast as my RBX-2800)....only draw back was it was a bit heavy but I think I'd take that for the all in one package of a great optic with a decent rangefinder built in...the salesman said the warranty on the electronics was 5 years but I'd need to verify that with Leupold, but my RBX rangefinder is 4 years old, has had zero issues, and it has been seen some sever duty here in the Rockies....If they would have matched my Leupold VIP pricing I would have picked them up...I think they have a good set up.
So I found that Scheels here in town had a set of Leupold BX-4 Range HD binocs in stock so I eased on over to check them out...I found the optics to be pretty damn sharp. I couldn't do any long distance laser range finding in the store obviously but the display was crisp and the response of the operation was fast (as fast as my RBX-2800)....only draw back was it was a bit heavy but I think I'd take that for the all in one package of a great optic with a decent rangefinder built in...the salesman said the warranty on the electronics was 5 years but I'd need to verify that with Leupold, but my RBX rangefinder is 4 years old, has had zero issues, and it has been seen some sever duty here in the Rockies....If they would have matched my Leupold VIP pricing I would have picked them up...I think they have a good set up.
I found that I didn't understand how good or bad my optics were until I took them out west and was viewing deer & elk a mile away in dim light. What may seem good in a store may not be good in the wild. Just my take on it.

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