Let's Ski!


New member
Jan 2, 2002
Anyone else here like to ski?

My 3 year old son Zach and I like to go at least twice a week. Zach started last year, and he is getting pretty good. He is now skiing blue square runs like this one:


And this one:


We also like to night ski. Here's Zach waiting patiently while daddy takes his picture:


And away he goes!


After a few hours of skiing he loves to hang out at the lodge and eat nachos and drink hot chocolate. Here he is doing just that:


Anyone else here like to ski?
Love it Canoe. My younguns learned at Taos mountain.... they started about the age of your little one.

Nice pics.
I love to.. I keep telling myself I'm gonig to get the Kids up some time. My guess is they'll be behind a Boat on Skiis before I get them in the Hills.
Love it also. Kids all learned last year here in Maryland and we are planning a trip out to either Utah or Bachelors gulch to Ski some REAL snow and REAL mountains. Just little hills around here and no snow as of yet.:mad:
I put on a set of skiis about 14 years ago and that's where it ended. Two trips to the mountain and I was done. I had never skiied before and a friend of mine convinced me to go night skiing. I got the hang of it fairly quickly then the next day it was moguls. I would go a few feet and fall, go a few feet and fall, on and on and on..... Needless to say, I never went back. I did like it but what the moguls were a big turn off as a new skiier to say the least. Maybe I will get back out there and ski again, who knows.
I have never been on a pair of snow skis..Now water skiing I used to be a water monkey big timehump

wileycoyote- Moguls on your second day? No wonder you hated it. I am convinced that the people that like to ski moguls are the same people who enjoy visiting the dentist to get teeth pulled!! I hate them and avoid them at all costs.

Moosie- Dude, get those kids ready and lets go! Zach and I go every Monday and then we usually go at least one other day during the week. We'd love some company.

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