

Dec 31, 2013
South Dakota
Got the following response from our senior senator hear in SD on re-authorization and funding of the Land & Water Conservation Fund:

Thank you for contacting me about funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). I appreciate hearing from you.

As you know, the LWCF was created to support conservation efforts on federal land, create and protect national parks and wildlife refuges, and provide matching grants for states’ and local communities’ projects. Funds for the LWCF are derived from royalties paid for offshore oil and gas production on the outer continental shelf.

The LWCF was appropriated $306 million for FY 2014. In his fiscal year (FY) 2015 budget request for the Department of the Interior, the president proposed fully funding the LWCF at $900 million. Congress has not finalized FY 2015 appropriations for the Department of the Interior and the LWCF. In January I voted for an amendment (S.AMDT. 92) to permanently authorize the LWCF. This amendment failed to achieve the necessary 60 vote threshold and was not accepted by the Senate.

The Land and Water Conservation Authorization and Funding Act (S. 338) was introduced by Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) on February 2, 2015. This legislation was placed on the Senate Legislative Calendar. It currently has 15 bipartisan co-sponsors. If enacted, this bill will reauthorize the LWCF and continue to provide funding that would help preserve and maintain our national parks, forests, wildlife refuges, wilderness, and historic sites.

I understand the importance of preserving our natural resources for future generations to enjoy. Moreover, I recognize the important role the LWCF plays in that effort. Having said that, with a national debt of over $18 trillion, we must continue to examine all programs to ensure that taxpayer dollars are being spent in the most effective and efficient way possible.

As Congress considers this issue, I will be sure to keep your concerns in mind. If you would like additional information on my activities in the Senate, please feel free to visit my website, You can also follow me on Twitter and Instagram (@SenJohnThune). Thanks again for contacting me. Please keep in touch.

Kindest regards,

United States Senator
My response back to Senator Thune

What can be me more important than preserving our natural parks, forests, wildlife refuges and wilderness areas for future generations.

Growing up on the farm in Spink County SD I learned very important life lessons. One of these is it is always cheaper to maintain something than let it fall into disrepair and have a much bigger bill to get it back up and working properly. Congress has not learned this issue, you (meaning congress) is willing to let things fall apart which will only cost us more in the future.

I hear talk all the time that we should not pass the financial burden onto future generations. We are doing just that by ignoring the LWCF.

My real concern is that there are groups out there who by allowing are federal lands to fall into such disrepair are hoping that they can transfer them to States and eventually to private hands.

One of the greatest legacies we can leave future generations is the treasure of our federal lands, be they national parks, wildness areas, refuges, forests and grasslands.

Be aware that your actions on this issue are being watched carefully and many of us who love hunting and fishing also vote!
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I'll bet these public land recreationalists ALL contacted their elected officials and urged them to support LWCF funding into perpetuity to guarantee the continued enjoyment of their outdoor pursuits ..........:W:


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Here is a list of organizations and interests who support LWCF and are working towards re-authorization:

While it may not be the great unwashed masses in Onpoint's photo, at least the rest of the outdoor world is stepping up as well as hunters and anglers.

The list includes birders, tech trekkers, wolfers and many, many others. ;)
You know the old saying...The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Wow, never thought I'd ever be on the same side of an issue with the Defenders of Litigation, er I mean, Wildlife.

One thing I've learned in this line of work is that politics really do make for strange bedfellows.
Thanks Ben for the impressive list, unfortunately I don't see an organization that I have been a life member of for 30 plus years, the NRA. They took my American Hunter magazine away and now this. I'm seriously considering mailing in my life member card because they don't seem very interested in supporting the hunting side of gun ownership. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge 2nd amendment guy, but if I lose my opportunity to hunt on quality public land I don't really need a gun anymore.

Also absent on the list is DSC, SCI, NWTF, Mule Deer Foundation, Ducks Unlimited, Delta Waterfall, Whitetails unlimited, I'm going to give these folks a little longer to get on board, if not I guess I can save some time an money by going to a few less banquets and buying a few less raffle tickets. Looks like RMEF will get it all since they are one of the few standing with me. Maybe I can join Trout Unlimited, since they are on the list. Not many trout in Eastern SD but that could change.

I am also disappointed that no one else posted their letters. Maybe if a few people would the rest could do a little cut and paste and hit send. Congress has surely lost it's way, they don't do what we sent them there for, like be stewards of our national treasures like public land. They only want to play games, like do anything possible to make the other side look bad. Or scream at a poor NPS employee for having to shut down National Parks after they don't fund them or anything else.
Good to hear on DU, Delta & MDF, will have more things to do this winter. RMEF will suffer a little though since I am adding organizations back to the list.
I just signed a petition to get NM legislators on board.
I know one for sure,and one Rep. that would sell his mother...........

That list was kinda in the cheek if they would just have as much common sense as RMEF has shown.
That list was kinda in the cheek if they would just have as much common sense as RMEF has shown.

I'm sure that we can find commonalities with most groups in that list, as well as significant differences. I know I've disagreed with RMEF on a few issues, but I'm also a proud supporter of the work they do, and the people they have working there. Some of the groups listed do great work on protecting public lands, even if they are tone deaf or out of step with life in the west when it comes to wildlife and timber management.

Other groups on that list oppose new wilderness because it limits their activities - but at the end of the day, they all see the value in a 50 year old program that has helped conserve some of America's greatest treasures, landmarks and provided access to millions of acres of public lands that would otherwise be off limits.
LWCF Organizations

Quite a few organizations not on the coalition list are supportive, including NWTF, SCI and others. They are working through CSF, AWCP, etc.

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