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Latest Gun Related Changes at Walmart

I’m not a fan of wal mart, but they usually had the best prices for 9 and 223. Now I’ll have to buy it at Sportsman’s.
The problem with this line of thought is that there is no reasonable answer that will be acceptable.. There are much larger things in play. You try to save your precious hunting rifles as reasonable and you see where you end up.. The 2nd Amendment wasn't written for hunting rifles. It was written by men who had just fought a tyrannical govt who was bound to strip men of all reasonable freedom.. Sound familiar.

Taking weapons from the hands of a population in the 20th century didn't make the population of Germany, Russia, China, North Korea, Cuba, Cambodia, Rwanda, Serbia or Venezuela any safer . This is just political football moving to the end zone of control.. Over a hundred million dead and counting and what have we learned?

So you can give you weapons up.. I'll keep mine.. I've seen first hand how trusting in a government to keep you safe works out. I would rather die a free man on my feet than a serf on my knees.. You make your choice I've already made mine..

This actually demonstrates my point. I talk about looking for reasonable solutions to gun violence, and you immediately feel like someone is trying to take your guns, and start wanting to die for it. The really scary thing is I completely get that reaction, it's what we've become conditioned to in this country by the lack of dialogue. There are people who want to take your guns, no question, but no where did I even imply that I viewed giving up gun rights as a reasonable solution. Yet reflexively that's where your mind goes, and conversation is stymied.
The OP has already shown this to be false in California. He can’t order ammo online. He now must drive across town to buy the ammo he uses. Walmart has destroyed the local stores, so options are few in many smaller communities when buying ammo.

My bad I thought he lived in a free state. If anything maybe this will help the local gun stores get their market back.
This actually demonstrates my point. I talk about looking for reasonable solutions to gun violence, and you immediately feel like someone is trying to take your guns, and start wanting to die for it. The really scary thing is I completely get that reaction, it's what we've become conditioned to in this country by the lack of dialogue. There are people who want to take your guns, no question, but no where did I even imply that I viewed giving up gun rights as a reasonable solution. Yet reflexively that's where your mind goes, and conversation is stymied.

So what is a reasonable solution?
So what is a reasonable solution?

I wish I had a comprehensive and detailed answer to that, but it's going to take some way smarter people than me to wade through all that. I will say that I think we need to do a better job keeping guns out of the hands of people who are demonstrably unstable and/or a danger. I think the NICS system needs vast improvements. I think enforcement of laws we already have needs a lot of attention. Heck, addressing failed background checks, and people fudging on 4473's isn't hardly done.

The reason gun violence is always going to be hard to address is because it's not a single tiered problem. That's why more gun laws will do nothing. It's a mental health issue, a societal issue, a values many things. Yet instead of taking a hard look at causes, we focus on the tool...and it's not just the anti's focusing on the tool, we do it too, they focus on taking it, and we focus on keeping it.

We are losing ground with the public. Every time there is another psycho out there committing mass murder, and causing fear in the general populace our support erodes a little more. It doesn't matter that their fears are irrational, or that their "solutions" won't really solve anything, what matters is that as their support for us wanes, it becomes more and more likely that laws restricting our rights are coming. So to me, it would seem, that we need to expand the narrative to not just "my cold dead hands", and start somehow getting ideas out there that could have real impact. For instance the campaign that NSSF championed to get all states to get all records submitted to NICS, and nobody ever hears about it. We need to loudly advocate for real, meaningful actions that can have real meaningful positive impacts....but that's just me, and maybe I'm wrong.
I wish I had a comprehensive and detailed answer to that, but it's going to take some way smarter people than me to wade through all that. I will say that I think we need to do a better job keeping guns out of the hands of people who are demonstrably unstable and/or a danger. I think the NICS system needs vast improvements. I think enforcement of laws we already have needs a lot of attention. Heck, addressing failed background checks, and people fudging on 4473's isn't hardly done.

The reason gun violence is always going to be hard to address is because it's not a single tiered problem. That's why more gun laws will do nothing. It's a mental health issue, a societal issue, a values many things. Yet instead of taking a hard look at causes, we focus on the tool...and it's not just the anti's focusing on the tool, we do it too, they focus on taking it, and we focus on keeping it.

We are losing ground with the public. Every time there is another psycho out there committing mass murder, and causing fear in the general populace our support erodes a little more. It doesn't matter that their fears are irrational, or that their "solutions" won't really solve anything, what matters is that as their support for us wanes, it becomes more and more likely that laws restricting our rights are coming. So to me, it would seem, that we need to expand the narrative to not just "my cold dead hands", and start somehow getting ideas out there that could have real impact. For instance the campaign that NSSF championed to get all states to get all records submitted to NICS, and nobody ever hears about it. We need to loudly advocate for real, meaningful actions that can have real meaningful positive impacts....but that's just me, and maybe I'm wrong.

How about prosecuting criminals when they break the law?

How about prosecuting criminals when they break the law?

That's pretty well covered in the 4th sentence in my post about enforcing laws we already have.
In a state, such as Pa. that allows open carry, a business has the right to restrict open carry and it must be posted at entry. If you open carry in that business you are breaking the law and can be arrested.
I’ve been to Walmart twice in the last year. Both times I left with my blood pressure at all time highs.
That made me laugh! Haha! Too true. If it wasn't for the circus of the wildest humans to be found, i wouldn't be able to step inside... I've trained my daughter to value Target for school shopping and slowly breaking free of the big Wally world.
I buy ammo from decent companies like Midway USA and try to avoid going to Walmart unless it’s absolutely necessary.
Larry Potterfield > Sam Walton all day. Walmart just has basic ammo anyway. Won’t likely find Nosler or Hornady in there.
I wish I had a comprehensive and detailed answer to that, but it's going to take some way smarter people than me to wade through all that. I will say that I think we need to do a better job keeping guns out of the hands of people who are demonstrably unstable and/or a danger. I think the NICS system needs vast improvements. I think enforcement of laws we already have needs a lot of attention. Heck, addressing failed background checks, and people fudging on 4473's isn't hardly done.

The reason gun violence is always going to be hard to address is because it's not a single tiered problem. That's why more gun laws will do nothing. It's a mental health issue, a societal issue, a values many things. Yet instead of taking a hard look at causes, we focus on the tool...and it's not just the anti's focusing on the tool, we do it too, they focus on taking it, and we focus on keeping it.

We are losing ground with the public. Every time there is another psycho out there committing mass murder, and causing fear in the general populace our support erodes a little more. It doesn't matter that their fears are irrational, or that their "solutions" won't really solve anything, what matters is that as their support for us wanes, it becomes more and more likely that laws restricting our rights are coming. So to me, it would seem, that we need to expand the narrative to not just "my cold dead hands", and start somehow getting ideas out there that could have real impact. For instance the campaign that NSSF championed to get all states to get all records submitted to NICS, and nobody ever hears about it. We need to loudly advocate for real, meaningful actions that can have real meaningful positive impacts....but that's just me, and maybe I'm wrong.

I would agree with you. Guns weren't the issue 25 years ago.. We have a mental health crisis and I don't feel anything you suggested is out of line.. I still believe these types of measures will not satiate the left.. It's not their end game..

Even if we could get the left to move forward with these types of measures (which I believe would take a miracle). I'm fairly certain it won't stop the calls to take our guns..
And I'm loudly advocating that we prosecute criminals that break laws like car jacking with a gun.

That would be great, but how do we do that when prisons are being closed, charges keep being reduced, bail lets criminals walk out of jail, etc...? If, and I say IF the U.S. could and would build more/reopen more prisons I believe it may start to help. Building and remodeling more prisons (not into country club type prisons) would open up lots of space to house the bad guys. It would also have the benefit of creating jobs for a multitude of people as well as any that would support them. More taxes would be created as well. I can't really think of any downside to it besides the usual "I don't want a prison next to me" response. I watch the Chicago news (unfortunately) and hear all about the shootings and gun seizures taking place. Many of the folks arrested are repeat felons who weren't able to own a gun in the first place! LOCK THEM UP!!!!!!!! Make them serve some real time instead of just a quick stay and release due to overcrowding. Cut some money loose and start doing something with the known offenders besides a slap on the wrist! We seem to have a whole variety of laws these folks are breaking. More new laws really aren't going to do anything to change the current situation for the better. More enforcement of existing laws with REAL CONSEQUENCES for breaking them should be the way to go.
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