Caribou Gear

Latest Gun Related Changes at Walmart


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2017
Central California

Anyone see the latest changes Walmart is making about guns and ammo? (No more handgun ammo and no more .223/556). I know Walmart isn't the best place when it comes to ammo options but the fact that the majority of the ammo I buy on a regular basis is 9mm and .223 this affects me since it's the difference in a 5min drive across town vs a 30min drive to Sportsman's Warehouse.

The other change, is customers no longer allowed to open carry. This doesn't affect me any and I understand when you have people who sling a rifle over their shoulder just for the shock factor...but an honest citizen who wants to carry is the least of their worries. We all know you can make as many laws as you want but criminals could care less because, well they're criminals.
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An honest citizen who wants to carry still can, concealed. I'm actually not surprised they have decided to no longer allow open carry, as it's caused them lots of headaches since the shooting.

Basically what it comes down to is it's their prerogative to conduct business in the way that makes the most sense to them, and I'm sure the revenue loss caused by discontinuing the things they have decided to discontinue isn't going to hurt their bottom line too much. How gun owners react to the changes they have decided to make is also up to the individual. It's a great thing about our country, everyone can do business as they please.

As to the larger issues at play here, I can see no solutions in sight, as the opposing sides seem content to stand at arm's length and shout at each other in efforts to score political points, and without any real apparent urgency to find real lasting solutions. Real efforts at solutions will be hard, so apparently grandstanding is preferred.
Couldn't agree more, it's their business and they can do what they want. The only issue I have on a broad spectrum is people making decisions based on feelings than actual logic and common sense.

I don't disagree with that as far as the discontinuations are concerned, but I actually think that logic and business sense was at the forefront of the open carry decision. The money they lose when a store has to be evacuated, and all the drama that is caused by someone proving some point by strapping a rifle on and carrying it through walmart isn't worth the hassle.
I don't disagree with that as far as the discontinuations are concerned, but I actually think that logic and business sense was at the forefront of the open carry decision. The money they lose when a store has to be evacuated, and all the drama that is caused by someone proving some point by strapping a rifle on and carrying it through walmart isn't worth the hassle.

I'm much less concerned about the open carry situation and definitely see the issues with it. The ammo thing makes no sense to me though.
I'm much less concerned about the open carry situation and definitely see the issues with it. The ammo thing makes no sense to me though.

It's reactionary. They've suffered tragedy, and the thought of just letting things stand as they are seems unreasonable to them.

This whole thing is a mess, and from my perspective it seems we are losing ground. The background check system (NICS) has failed us miserably, and those failures have eroded the public trust in the laws we currently have. The NRA can't seem to get out of their own way with scandal and poor leadership. The media is against us and are fronting a campaign to restrict our rights. Every left of center politician is grabbing onto a growing bandwagon political movement against us. We can't even seem to work within our own ranks at finding reasonable solutions to real problems with the "from my cold dead hands" crowd shouting down every idea. When we allow a dearth of reasonable ideas, it creates room for radical ones...and that's what we are seeing now, and the longer we leave the radical ideas unchallenged by reasonable ones, the more traction they gain in the public sphere.
I buy ammo from decent companies like Midway USA and try to avoid going to Walmart unless it’s absolutely necessary.
I used to, but with new ammo laws in California I can't buy ammo online anymore. My options are very limited locally. I'm not a fan of Walmart but it was convenient to run into town and buy some 9mm or .223 for the range.
I’ve been to Walmart twice in the last year. Both times I left with my blood pressure at all time highs.

I wouldn’t really care if they stopped selling all sporting goods, just pointing out that Walmart sucks.
I can't remember the last time I bought anything sporting related at Walmart. I do grocery shop there, but mainly becuase they have the online shopping and I don't have to actually go into the store.

The politics of this irritates me, but private busisness and all... Whatever happened to them trying to get into the premium sporting goods a year or so ago?
We don't go to Walmart much any more. All areas of the store has gone down hill. Many times we can not get the same thing twice and the shelves were empty of the popular items. Seem they have pushed more for self checkout over jobs. I just go somewhere else...
When we allow a dearth of reasonable ideas, it creates room for radical ones...and that's what we are seeing now, and the longer we leave the radical ideas unchallenged by reasonable ones, the more traction they gain in the public sphere.

The problem with this line of thought is that there is no reasonable answer that will be acceptable.. There are much larger things in play. You try to save your precious hunting rifles as reasonable and you see where you end up.. The 2nd Amendment wasn't written for hunting rifles. It was written by men who had just fought a tyrannical govt who was bound to strip men of all reasonable freedom.. Sound familiar.

Taking weapons from the hands of a population in the 20th century didn't make the population of Germany, Russia, China, North Korea, Cuba, Cambodia, Rwanda, Serbia or Venezuela any safer . This is just political football moving to the end zone of control.. Over a hundred million dead and counting and what have we learned?

So you can give you weapons up.. I'll keep mine.. I've seen first hand how trusting in a government to keep you safe works out. I would rather die a free man on my feet than a serf on my knees.. You make your choice I've already made mine..
There are to many good places to buy/order ammo and whatever firearm you feel you need. I try to stay out of walmart if at all possible
I don't think WalMart ever sold handguns in our area so there is no lose here.

I will admit to running into Walmart on Sept 1st to get two boxes of dove shot for opening day. That is really the exception for me and I had been more prepared I would have bought those while at a Cabelas.
There are to many good places to buy/order ammo and whatever firearm you feel you need. I try to stay out of walmart if at all possible
The OP has already shown this to be false in California. He can’t order ammo online. He now must drive across town to buy the ammo he uses. Walmart has destroyed the local stores, so options are few in many smaller communities when buying ammo.