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Last log in 12-09-06? WTF!


New member
Dec 15, 2000
Aksai, Kazakhstan via Covington Louisiana
Howdy all! I surfing drunk and naked as usual decided to stop by and have a beer with a few of the old timers and meet a few of the new folks. Man, I was stunned at the growth of this place. :eek: God it has been a long time, in fact, It was 2006 the last time I stopped by. What was I member number 23 or something when thuis started along with th eplanning of "The first Gathering" Damn, i am getting old. Finally turned 40 after 39 years of holding :rolleyes:
Noticed my last post was with Dan on some binoculars back in 2006 and I was getting ready to buy a boat before heading back to work to Africa.
Some of you might have know that Cuz, AKA B-Cat, came over and worked about 6 months in Africa on the rigs, but west africa did not have enough culture for him. He is back In Wyoming running the new bar and grill and wanting to come and try the former soviet Union out with me on this project.

Long story short, after a few run in's with the local Nigerian militants and two years dodging malaria, decide I needed out big time. So, around the end of 06 accepted a position with British Gas working 28 and 28 in Kazakhstan. Back into the wonderful corporate world rotating 4 weeks on and 4 off! Hunting and fishing has never been sweeter!

Since moving from Thailand back to Louisiana, other than the one of two site were I read and post fishing reports, I went away from hunting and fishing on the internet. Although the hunting is limited to deer, pigs and gators the fishing is unreal.
So, I stay super busy when home and can relax a bit and chat now that I am settled in over in Kazakhstan. I just signed up for the Sportsmen of North America deal and they also have a site but it is dead.
I will be on for 3 more weeks and hope to stop in on a more frequent basis. gettin my Newfoundland Moose and bear hunt lined up and will be fishing the CCa Tournement all of next month, so it is going to be busy.
Moosie and the clan, drop me a line over here on the company mail and say hello if only a one liner.
[email protected]
Hello Draftstud, I used to be an old timer around here but moved back to South La from Thailand got away from it. I think, and Moosie can check it I am sure, I was original member 32 when we started this place. Don't know if you check the louisiana fishing boards, but on the Sportsman, mike Lanes and rod n reel I post a Mighty-3 Everyone here knows Thumper, but the reds, trout and flounder make up the mighty-3 and thus the e-mail address, so I used it.
Actually, I think the group that originally started here had no other choice. Basically because we got kicked off or banned from almost every other site on the net. God, it seems and has been year since I first met Moosie. He came over Wyoming way to go on a lion hunt with me and another original B-Bat Boykin.
Our meeting was a bit funny, as it was only a day after I made a bad choice after a quick decision that ended with me headed from the Denver airport to jail. (LONG STORY) Let's just say, this was before 9-11 but the police did a nice job at re-arranging my head!
Maybe moosie will tell you more. *L* I still go up to Wyoming every year to hunt lion and elk when I do draw.

This year the bonnie carree spillway, messed up lake ponchartrain and the rigolets for the big spring trout and pushed me down to fish Shell Beach and Brenton Sound. but I have been hammering the trout and reds with quick limits before 10:00. in Brenton.
Tried running Venice with another guide Brandon Carter, but man, unless you know that area you are going to trash something up! Brandon does great at the big trout! Finally got my 8.20 back from the taxidermist and only wish I can get another close to that this year.
The lake should turn back on and my CCA membership is paid! Missed winning the boat for the flounder last year for the east after holding 1st for 92 or the 101 days, David Dyson, owner of DD meats, beat me the LAST week! (First time I had the meat man beat me, but I guess that is better than beating my meat man!)

I am sure that we will share some stories. This gig is great. been doing the rotation thing for 4 years now and do not think i could go back to the monday - friday gig, unless it was back in Thailand. Man I should have had my head checked when deciding to leave and come back home!
Welcome back Thumper - glad to see things are working out for ya. There are still a few of us old-timers around. You are basically correct on how this site got started....something about a disagreement of how things should be and Moosie says - bet I can - and other guy says -you could never have a successful board. Well, Moosie being Moosie says - here, hold my beer - watch this.

That is how hunttalk was born. I go back to that other site every few months just to check in, they are quite dead over there.

I was just back in Louisiana the 2nd week in May - Baton Rouge. Visiting family and such. I sure miss the food.

I'm your hero only because I can see over the dashboard of a full-sized truck without the assistance of a booster seat. kidding aside - good to read you're still alive. Bring back bcat.
Thumper.... I know I can Count on you coming by and Saying hi every couple years :) Sounds like al lis well. I've been hunting a little.... Headingto Africa next week to slay som e Plains game myself. Will Talk to ya soon !!! Stick around will ya ;)
Thumper, I remember you. I bugged out about the time you did and returned as MCB formally DaveHawk . Good to see you are have a fun time but I sure wouldn't want to be in Louisiana now, buggy and hot for sure.
Welcome back.
Crap, Thump.. you're still an old timer where ever you are.. Welcome back to the land of the Big Mac..

I'm your hero only because I can see over the dashboard of a full-sized truck without the assistance of a booster seat. kidding aside - good to read you're still alive. Bring back bcat.

Yeah, Bcat was always worth a laff. While you're at it, bring back that whack job woman Raven something or other. She was REALLY crazy....
Thanks all. I will drop in a bit as I am working 5 on and 4 off for the next few trips so i can take 7 weeks off for my Newfoundland Mnoose and bear hunt and allow time to chase lion again. man, that has become an annual trip.
Booster seat? LMAO. I wish i had saved a few of the pictures of you greenie in your cross dressing days! Still hiding the short shirt in the closet i see . Or did ya finally come out. Hell, sometimes that rainbow sticker on your truck just did not say it lood enough. But I will hand it to ya man, you have wacked some monsters and the ribbing was always in good fun or from jelousy.
On the other questions, I would have to drag B-cat over kicking and screaming, but surly could get him. Hell, if I could talk him inot working in Nigeria, anything is possible. And yes, he has not changed. Still old Cuz.
I don't know about ravin' beauty. She started her own site and after the @gathering@ she came out of hiding and went away. I think she has a site. I was on it a few times then both B-cat and I were banned.
I think it was over the new name we gave her ravin Idiot and the story of the turd she left that backed up the sewer system. (You know I never cut anyone slack)
Great to drop in and will be around. Now a days mostly posting dock shots and monster fish.
Another quick one. Talk about seeing something freaky. Was looking at the old PM's and saw one from Big D! Dennis Crockett. Man that was weird, he was coming to the gathering and the week before fell down cracked his head and died. His wife called me a B-cats and told me what happened. So, it was really weird to see that old message. probably the klast time I spoke with him.
Big "D"............. Remember the story about him putting the gun over his shoulder liek a Bazooka to shoot that black bear ? And B-cat told him not to but he said it was OK and plled the trigger ? Missed the bear and it knocked him Out cold. Bcat thought he was dead at that time. WOW... Forgot about Big "D". I really liked that guy.
It was really freaky to go back and see that message still on here! It was just after he and wife Norma had moved into their new house and was sending me his new address and phone number.
Big D hit it off really well with everyone. When living in Bangkok, we became pretty good friends as my grandfather used to play music with him many years ago. We knew man of the same people in the music business as apparently they had the same connections.
We started sending a few care packages back and forth and had more than a few good phone conversations when one of the two of us were on the late night scotch. i think a few of the founders here remember those conversations, post. I know Moosie remembers a early call or two :) .
After a bit his wife would talk to me trying to get him into rehab, as he was already in bad shape health wise and going down hill faster than anyone would have thought.

I remember the bear hunt gone bad really well as only a week after he left, I came over and we went in with Cuz, (B-Cat) to take down the bait stations. Seriously, you could still see a few drops of blood on the bait and we know for a fact that is was not from the bear but the scope that opened up the bridge of his nose from eye to eye.

He was planning all he could to go to that Gathering, but was having some serious issues with his drinking and health. Two days after I came in for the month I stayed for the gathering, I got a call from Norma to tell me the news.
As the site has grown, it feels good to return.
did anyone know what happened to Ravin and her site. it was her break away from here like our break away from that other site.
Anyone remember Elkie with his stuffed elk decoy, the VW bus playing born to be wild and the all famous post of "Your village called and said they were missing an idiot"
God, we used to have some laughs..
What was that other website? I lost it long ago from my favorites. RB's forum is still up and running, though I don't think she really posts there much either. I think it's called A Hunter's Life or something like that.

I remember kicking in some money for a .45 for b'cat for hosting the gathering and was unable to make it for some reason - work-related, I think.

I remember Chicken Little (Wild ELk) and "The sky is falling, the sky is falling!" As well as his burlap elk decoy.
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