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Kuiu vs, Kifaru


New member
May 23, 2016
I was looking at both brands to buy a pack. If you have to lean either way which way would you go and why?
I have a Kuiu Ultra frame and suspension with a 6000 CI bag. It has served me well for what I have used it for, but jryoung is absolutely right in that they aren't great with a heavy load IMO. That being said, I will be going with Stone Glacier, MR, or Kifaru for my next upgrade. Everything I have heard about any of this packs makes me think that they would be more comfortable coming off or going up the mountain loaded down.
I bought a kuiu ultra pack last years as did my brother and another buddy...we are all three running Kifaru's this if that tells you anything.
Kifaru, they specialize in packs and make them in America. I had a KUIU, great day pack or loads up to 50 lbs., but it sucked with the heavy stuff.

I agree. I have a KUIU Icon 1850 and it has been a fantastic day pack. It is also great as turkey hauler. However, as jryoung suggested, the pack's comfort diminishes with heavier loads.

This past winter and spring I searched for a new pack. After trying on packs from almost every manufacturer, I settled on Kifaru. Kifaru was by far the most comfortable pack I tried. Furthermore, the pack's construction is phenomenal. My new Kifaru frame and bag arrived last week and I am very satisfied.

Packs are a very personal thing. I would suggest that you try on multiple packs, with weight, before making your decision. Nevertheless, Kifaru makes a world-class product.
I am a little surprised no one is mentioning Mystery Ranch. I have put alot of miles and hauled a lot of meat with mine and it is one of the most bombproof pieces of gear I own. They may not be the lightest, but when they have 90lbs in them, I have not had a pack on that was much more comfortable. Definitely, wouldn't talk down about the Kifaru and SG packs, but MRs should definitely be on your list to check out.
I have a Kifaru DT1 and love it. Huge amount of room and can carry all the weight I can handle, and comfortable while doing so. Never owned a Kuiu, so no input on one being better than the other.
I have a Kifaru duplex with the nomad bag/grab it 2/pockets/and optional camp bag setup and could not be happier. Perfect for day trip shed hunting or backpack hunting for several days at a time. I've been beyond impressed with how well it handles heavy hauling (70+ lbs). Several friends have Kuiu's and they all echo what has been said above, great for lighter loads and super comfortable but struggles when things get heavy. One friend had the stays actually crack and break under a super heavy load, that being said Kuiu treated him right and replaced the pack at no cost.
I have a kuiu ikon pro 1850 pack and coupled it with the kifaru front gun carrying sling setup,,works nice,,,i have to admit,carrying a 110 lb elk qtr up 800 vertical feet in Colorado last fall was not fun,kuiu handled it though,,,probly wouldn't matter what pack I had on though
My opinion is SG, Ranch, and Kifaru are the tops. From there I'd go to an Exo or Seek Outside with Kuiu behind them.
I have 2 Kifaru packs and a MR pack. They are older packs. All three packs are permanently stained from blood, they all have a certain staink to them. They are quality gear.

I am 100% happy with both brands and have no reason to look for another pack.
I sold my Kuiu pack after one season because it just didn't do it for me. It was light and versatile but it just didn't fit me well and heavy loads were awkward. I happily run a MR Metcalf now. Between Kuiu and Kifaru though, I'd go with the Kifaru if you can afford it.
My Kifaru has served me very well and their cutomer service is terrific! There is something to be said about making your products in the USA as well.
Well if you are gunna through SG into the mix, Might as well through Exo mountain gear in as well. Exo is a lot like a SG with some really nice upgrades from the SG.

I have both the SG and Exo. I take the Exo any day. Not to say SG is a bad pack, it's good. Exo just is better with organizing gear.