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Kudos Little "O".. Life just got es'pensive


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Congrats to Little "O". (My oldest @ age 10. He just completed it today :) We have pictures but they'll get uploaded later .. ;)

Look out Spring turkeys :eek: :D:D
Congrats little "O". My step son just graduated yesterday, we are really looking forward to turkey season too!!
Congrats. I've taught two classes in the last month, it has really helped restore my faith in this states youth. Have fun hunting small game with him this year.
The morning started early with us having to be at F&G office before 8AM.


The class room review today was fairly good but I didn't take any pics. We left for Lunch and headed out to the range. First, Was the standing position :


Then Kneeling :


Sitting :



Then Prone. If you look close you can see the bullet coming out :



Retrieve the targets !!



Then.. It was the FIELD part.......
Recieving the gun to cross the fences and field identify safe and no safe shots :


HAnd off your gun after unloading it, then go through the fence :



When crossing water, don't use the wet log, and keep both hands on the gun for safety :



Last stamp for the day. You may now take your final written test !!


14 people were in his class, 4-5 didn't make it. I'm not sure what happened to them but I know they were reading the test book as we were leaving, maybe for clarification or a test redo ? At any rate, I would say that little "O" tested amonst the highest and was one of the first done.. but that would be bragging so I won't. Let's jsut say he did OK and he's a Happy boy !!!



WTF Moosie, Little O. drives to the outdoor portion of the activity in a HuntTalk hat and ends the day with a Carhartt? What, do people know you too much that it may have hindered the kids' chance at obtaining a license? HA HA

Good for Oscar III. I should have had my daughter in that class but she is too pre-occupied with other things. If she was in Little O's class, I doubt either would have passed! :D

Now you need to apply him for those special youth elk hunts in NM. By far the most fun you could have.

If he is anywhere near as good as you at drawing tags, you can block out some time in October for that hunt.

Congrats to Little Moosie! He obviously is benefiting from strong maternal genetics.
Big Fin.. Tell me about the Youth draws ???? Can they hunt at 10 ?!?! He can
t hunt big game here till 13, but he can hunt Birds now untill then.
WTF Moosie, Little O. drives to the outdoor portion of the activity in a HuntTalk hat and ends the day with a Carhartt?

Have you ever seen me hunting ? When do I ever keep the same hat on ;) :D

He actually took it off to shoot and I was cold and put it on. He then whipped out another one when he was done and I offered it back. Good to see he was prepared. I was freezing my Toosh off. Notice the Snow. It stopped for us to do the field review, but when he was taking his written part, it started again. Crazy !!
Big Fin.. Tell me about the Youth draws ???? Can they hunt at 10 ?!?! .


Every parent of a youngster needs to know this stuff, so I will post it here. There is no minimum age to hunt in NM. They only need to have passed a hunter ed course. You better check the AZ youth rules also. :)

Now, get him applied in NM and I will mark the map, right down to the exact spot, where you and Little "O" can go and shoot the Gila Monster that I messed up for Matthew last year. I would really like someone to perform a groundcheck on that dude, so I can know for sure how big he is/isn't. Since Matthew turn 18 in two months, he won't be applying for those again.

The rest of this we will do via PM, as I don't want to screw up Little "O's" drawing odds by telling the whole world how/where this will happen. :cool:

I will be down there that time of year filming/hunting, so I can help you some, if need be.

If you don't apply him for these hunts, you're just gay.
Moosie, check again he can certainly hunt big game in Idaho at 12. Looks like a really good field day, we really couldn't get in one that good with all the snow still on the ground.
Great job to the little man. If he inherits your luck with tags, you might as well start selling all your investments now. Or you could become Larry Craig's $4500/hr "friend".
WTG Little O!! Idaho sure gives out a nice certificate also. My son Jake passed his 2 yrs ago and all he got was a little piece of paper and a wallet card. That one can go on the wall with all his other achievements. Good times coming your guys way that's for sure. Good Job to you too Moosie for passing it on to him.
Nice job little O. My daughter passed her feild course yesterday. Written test on Monday. I told her if she gets a grade higher then 95 we head for cabelas for a shopping day. we took a pretest testerday and she got a hundred. Looks like cabelas here we come.

Many god memories to come. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats to the little "O" Arizona is age 10 for big game so you better start putting him in. I would use Cabela's T.A.G.S. to make sure he gets in on time.;)
Congrats lil O.
now we will get to see something other than a picture of a spike coming out of camp Williamson.
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