Kodiak deer hunt


New member
Sep 23, 2007
Napa CA
I was thinking about a deer hunt on Kodiak on a OYOA trip. . Is it possible to do it from the road system in the early part of the season?
We hunted for a day or so from the roads, then went out on the boat. If you look around, transporters (not a guide) can be found for pretty reasonable. You may want to check with a local about the deer herd. IIRC, the past couple of winters/springs haven't been too kindly to them.
I will echo what pointer said. There are a few on this board, including myself, that have gone the transporter route. Great hunt and I hope to do it again.
It is possible, but the deer are few and far between on this end of the island because of the winter kill. The native corp that owns about 2/3 of the land on the road system is trying to close it to hunting. I haven't heard anything this year but that caused an uproar last fall. If they start enforcing it that means the locals will be thick in the remaining areas. If your spending the money to come here you might as well spend a little more and get off the roadsystem, you'll also be able to take three deer instead of one.
The season opens today and I should be up on a mt glassing right now but I have to work. Although that "work" involves flying to the north end of Afognak at noon and hanging out with some of the big wigs from RMEF and the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation. Going to looking over some recently purchased land and do a little hunting and fishing. Tough job, but someone has to do it.
Although that "work" involves flying to the north end of Afognak at noon and hanging out with some of the big wigs from RMEF and the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation. Going to looking over some recently purchased land and do a little hunting and fishing. Tough job, but someone has to do it.
I don't know what you do for a living, but that doesn't sound like it sucks! :D I tried to talk the wife in letting me put in for a NRCS position on Kodiak, but after doing a bit of research she kaboshed that idea...
I don't know what you do for a living, but that doesn't sound like it sucks! :D I tried to talk the wife in letting me put in for a NRCS position on Kodiak, but after doing a bit of research she kaboshed that idea...

I do Economic Development, most days are spent in a windowless office staring at a computer so it isn't all gravey. :W:
Too bad your wife didn't jump on the chance to move here. She probably would have loved it once she got over the initial shock of living in the middle of no where. :D
Look at the islands in PWS

There is deer hunting in Prince William Sound - always call the local F&G people. They will give great updates on game.
I live in Kenai Alaska = mid way between the two deer spots.
Islands and only one has enough deer to hunt.

You will have to have help getting around in Alaska. Years ago we shoot a couple deer from the road, but the advice already on this thread is up to date and you should depend on it. Get ready to pay for some transportation. Transporters can be found on the F&G web site.
Do not go with just any old tent. Wind and rain come hard in Alaska and rain is often at 45 deg. angle on the Rock.
Do not come up here with just any old gear - your life may depend on it.
I'll have the best gear that money could buy. I would just like to be able to do it with out a boat. What about a fly out hunt is that do able?
Oak's trip sound normal for Alaska.

As long as you plan for a trip like Oak's, your be ok. Make sure to carry food for 2-3 days longer trip you start out. Flights home can get delayed because of weather.
I do not know about PWS by air - everyone I know uses boats.
best tasting dear I have ever had came from Kodiak.
there are 2 ways

to hunt Kodiak, OYO.
1. from a boat. think 30-50 footer. The captain acts as a "transporter" only. he'll know where to go & will drop you off every day - probably in a different area every day. you come back to the boat when you're ready to a warm cabin with shower & fod prepared.
2. fly in & camp. this is the way I go. You choose an area on the island & make arrangements with the airtaxi. I use ANDREW AIRWAYS. They are super reliable & have great planes & pilots. SEAHAWK AIR is another reputable taxi on the island.
rates vary with distance flown & plane size.
either way, you are basically hiring transportation only, there are no guides involved - neither option is "cheap".
due to the afore mentioned winters, the deer herd on the north end of the island has been hard hit. wilnters usually kill small deer first, so you can still find bucks, just not as many - you'll need to hunt (gllass) harder.
if using an airtaxi you should expect to spend extra days in town before the hunt or more days in the bush due to weather. no one flys when the wind kicks up, which it does a lot on Kodiak.
Sounds like Gary may live on Kodiak?

Gary, Sure sounds like you've made many Kodiak deer hunts. Do you agree that first of the year a plane puts you more in to deer country than a boat. Later in winter the deer are lower and therefore closer to water.
I've thouhgt about starting a drop-off transporter business - the hunters would be on their own for their days of hunting till pick-up day. Still looking it over - what do you think?
Just got back last week from a Kodiak trip. Saw a couple deer along the beach. The friends we stayed with, along with some others we talked to in the area; they seem to patrol the beaches looking for deer. They said it's a lot like truck hunting but with a boat. Sounds like buffalo hunting may be coming to Kodiak soon too.

I just wish I lived there - reside in Big Lake.
Love deer hunting on the island, though.
transportering is a tough business, IMO. I've been stacked up by weather in Kodiak City for up to 4 days (high winds). When the taxis start operating again, you still have to wait your turn - could add another day to the wait- then it might start blowing againEven with the weather, I'll be back.

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