It's only a cow!


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2011
U.P. of Michigan
Finally got a few moments to post a picture of my first Elk. My story isn't much different from most others, but here goes a summary. I first started hunting out-west in 2011, after a family vacation to South Dakota, Wyoming and Montana. I had never been out-west before and the thought of hunting the west was just a dream. After the family vacation, I decided I had to make it work on a limited budget, so in 2011, I shot my first Antelope doe. 2012 I shot first my second Antelope - this time a buck. 2013 I decided to pursue elk and like most others, I began preparing myself mentally and physically and consumed as much elk knowledge as I could....thanks a lot in part to you guys. I ate my cow tag in 2013 and 2014. 2015, I worked even harder, spending most days working out, studying Google Earth, reading, etc....I'm very thankful for a supportive wife/family. Well, on the third morning of first rifle season in Colorado, I was able to fill my tag. It didn't really set in until the moment I approached the cow and confirmed it was dead. I will tell you at that moment, I wasn't expecting nor was I prepared for the wave of emotions that hit me head on. My good buddy was with me and I have to admit I had to fight back the emotion guys do not want to show in front of their friends. My buddy asked me soon after, if I wanted him to try and contact the other two guys in our group for help. My comment was "other than you, because you're here, my wife is going to be the first to know", so I sent her a text saying "Tag filled. Very happy!" Her quick response was "OMG, I'm so proud of you. You worked so hard and you deserve it." Her next text was "lets get it mounted", which made me laugh as I replied "how soon you forget, I only bought a cow tag". Her reply.."well, lets not get it mounted then." Anyway that's it in a nutshell. I know some will say "it's only a cow".....but not to me!


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Its a great cow, and concrete evidence of a great adventure.

The flood of emotions that is evidenced in a teams champagne shower of a joyous locker room is generally expected by the public these days The celebration is not only reflective of the final win that day, but a reflection on the whole team's effort for the entire grinding effort: of team tryouts, preseason, the regular season and the playoffs.

Our hunting adventures can also have similarities to such team successes and celebrations.. Acquiring that special (or even OTC) tag, the physical and mental aspects of being ready, and then being afield after our quarry. In the much more singular and secretive world of hunting, the joy upon accomplishment is no less heartfelt, it is just a lot more personal and generally not for public consumption.

Hoisting the Lombardi trophy or skating Lord Stanley's Cup is something many aspire to, yet few can accomplish. Notching a tag, for me, has elements of doing just that, and if I listen carefully in the breeze I might just hear Freddie Mercury and Queen addressing ME as "Champion of the World"

Great cow, Champion reccon6036

(Tip of the hat to Shane Mahoney and Randy Newberg Unfiltered Podcast for the sports analogy seed plant.)
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The emotions felt when it all comes together is more of a trophy that any set of horns.
Congrats on the elk, I hope it's the first of many for you.
There is no such thing as "its only a cow" to a public land Joe like myself. Any Elk down is an accomplishment. Period.
That is a well earned trophy cow in my book. Congratulations on your "first" elk, a great trip, and for having a really supportive wife. It does get much better than that!
Your success is the result of lots of preparation toward a goal.
I can only speak for Whitetails, but the Old Doe`s are often much harder to harvest as they seem to not lose their marbles like bucks will.
My good friend`s father had hunted his entire life in NJ with never harvesting a deer.
When my friend shot his 1st deer ( a button buck ) his father had it mounted for him.
Guess which one of all his trophies held the most meaning of all those to follow........

Great job and congratulations on a fine cow. It's a great feeling and l must have got something in my eye when I walked up on mine!
It's weird how these things can get under our skin. I've been through the same feelings myself and it's hard to explain to someone that doesn't go out and do what we do. I know this, I would much rather spend time afield, or at home for that matter, with a guy that responds to his first elk like you did, than some cold hearted SOB that shoots one with no more thought or reflection for what just happened than a trip to the grocery store.

That's a fine animal. Way to go.

Congrats on a great hunt and Spoon and Crockpot trophy cow. Antlers are dust collectors. You have a lot of great eating ahead of you. I only buy the "only a cow" tags.
Awesome dude! My first elk was a spike, not much different than a cow! Too, sounds like you have a great wife, congrats on both!

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