PEAX Equipment

Intro and turkey question


Oct 31, 2014
I live in southwest Idaho. I hunt mostly deer and elk. I enjoy baiting for bear but I’m getting lazy these days. I’m probably the worst elk hunter in Idaho. I do OK on deer, but I’ve never killed a “big one”. My son is really into waterfowl hunting. I tag along with him a few times a season. My daughter (she’s 18) wanted to get into hunting, so this year I took her through hunters ed. We thought turkey hunting this spring would be a good way for her to start. I’ve turkey hunted a few times over the years but have never killed one.

My turkey question is will they move up in elevation as spring advances? The spot I’ve scouted is around 3,500 feet in elevation and has decent sign around the edges of a grassy meadow.

Thanks for the help.
I wish I could help with your question, but I'm just a flatlander turkey hunter with zero knowledge of mountain birds!
But welcome to the forum!
Yes they will definitely move up in elevation. As the grass gets taller, more flowers bloom, and insects become more prevelant the birds will move. I have a few spots that only produce on years with low snow pack and early spring weather. Public land mountain birds are hard to beat for turkeys!
Some will move up, some will set up a nest site and will not. The boys go where the girls are. The only real way to discover is to be there and listen and look for fresh sign. Season is open, get out there and find out. But as I tell plenty of people there is no use hunting turkeys where there aren't turkeys. It may require some footwork to find them.
Save yourself the heart ache. Take the family to Hawaii and hunt the Big Island. Turkey's Galore! (Sheep, Goats, Pigs too) And even if you don't get one WHO CARES??? Just my experienced $0.02 worth.
Thanks for the info guys.
Planning on going to Hawaii next year (Kauai). May have to slip over to the big island for turkey.
If you're going to Kauai, add Blacktail deer and the only rainbow trout fishing in Hawaii to the list. May have Axis too, can't remember, just don't leave the rifle's at home, it's a great hunt destination.

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