Caribou Gear

Interesting Trapping video

Very cool, Pat. Thanks for sharing. I often wondered how they did that. If they asked me to jump and that pile and haul out a PO'd antelope that was kicking and thrashing, I would be wearing full protective gear, including a cup.

I know the manager of the UU Bar and he told me they were overrun with antelope right now. Good to see them sharing some for the public land places that will benefit from this effort.
Very cool, Pat. Thanks for sharing. I often wondered how they did that. If they asked me to jump and that pile and haul out a PO'd antelope that was kicking and thrashing, I would be wearing full protective gear, including a cup.

I also know you would be trying to grab the ugliest horned one of the bunch:D
Sweet video Pat. Lopes for turkeys....good trade?:D

Riding your coattails, here is a capture in my neck of the woods from a couple weeks ago. The vet was a guy I know from SD as well.

Maybe the next time I am back in SD taking pics of sheep I can get shots of MT sheep.:D
that was a pretty cool video. by the time they got finished with all of the goats I'm sure they had a pretty good workout.
Very cool. I think I miss my calling, I think that would be an awesome job (if it paid anything!) lol
Great video. It all looks like great work except the "through the Dickies" part. That looks like it might have been painful..
Hey thanks for the publicity Pat although I looked pretty goofy in those ultrasound goggles! That was a very successful trap and another is planned for next year. We just finished a mule deer project, relocating and putting in the vaginal transmitters to study fawn mortality. There is another bighorn trap/relocation scheduled in August similar to what MTmiller posted but up at 13,000 feet......why is it always UP with sheep?! The cool thing is all these projects benefit wildlife in NM and so benefit all NM hunters. Look at the success we have had trapping and relocating Desert Sheep in NM.....we (hunters) have gone from one tag opportunity to double figures in multiple areas of the state! Good luck to all in this years draw!.
Post some more links to videos in the future Mike, The members here would like them a LOT
I have some cool elk, bighorn,oryx, antelope, deer etc. capture videos . If I can find them I will need your help posting