Important bill in wyoming house


New member
Jan 14, 2010
There is a bill in the Wyoming house that I feel will open up a lot of public land to the public. If you are not aware "corner jumping" is illegal in wyoming. This allows private land owners to control large tracts of public land that you and I don't have access to. This bill will change that. Here is a link to the actual bill.

If you are from wyoming or would like to hunt public land here please let them know.

Fire Marshall Bill
Millions of acres are checerboarded as well a small areas that just abut at corners.
Send that bill up to Helena, Mt. - we could use that in Montana, however our legislature is pretty busy right now trying to get a spear chucking season through.
I wish corner hopping was legal in MT. Does anyone know the reasoning for it being illegal? I heard it is because it is that you cross the plane of the private land... but does that mean if I lean on a fence post and my elbow crosses the fence I could get cited for trespassing??
The way the law is currently in Wyoming is that you own the "usable airspace" above your property. So the reason that corner jumping is illegal is that you cannot cross over the point where the properties join without passing over the private property. So yes if you lean over someones land you are currently trespassing.
A drop hunt using a helicopters is legal... So is there a certain distance above ground considered in this "usable airspace"? How high do I have to be up to not be trespassing? I'm thinking about trying this...

That'd have a game warden scratchin his head.
I had heard that this issue had gone to court in the Casper area and that the judge did not rule that it was trespassing or he threw it out. I can't remember. I have a friend down there who has researched it and has been corner hopping based on the way this court case went. Do you know anything about that case?
There are a few counties that there have been cases that people have won. This makes it very hard because if you are in the wrong county they will pin you to the wall. There have been three cases in Albany county that have been thrown out. The Game and Fish won't write you a ticket but the sheriffs dept. will. This would make it consistent throughout the state. And yes this would open up some very tasty elk country as well as everything else.

Fire Marshall Bill
If this does pass, and if I was a landowner in Wyoming, I would require hunters to be in possession of a GPS. I could see this turning into a nightmare with people who don't use one or "think" they are on public. There could be a ton of abuse of the law. I just think if they would give us this law then we as hunters should be required to know by GPS means where we are. Just a thought.
On the opposite end they would have to know exactly where their land is. I have had many a land owner tell me that they owned land that they didn't. When you confront them with a map and logic their story changes to well I lease it. It has to work both ways.
On the opposite end they would have to know exactly where their land is. I have had many a land owner tell me that they owned land that they didn't. When you confront them with a map and logic their story changes to well I lease it. It has to work both ways.

I agree. if you are confronted all you would have to do is pull yours out and show them where you are. I hope it passes.