Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Images too large???

I get it all the time. Huge pain in the rear to post pics on this site. I usually only use my phone so I have to crop the images to make them smaller. Not sure how to change the quality so they aren't quite as big. I wish the site would auto compress the images! Most of the time I throw in the towel and don't post any pictures cause it's too cumbersome. I know some recommend getting a photobucket account but I don't want to upload all my pictures on the Web.
Lots of ways.

You can use Photobucket or Flickr and they will automatically size them according to what a forum allows.

You can export them from your photo management system, either Picasa, Windows Photo Viewer, or any similar software. Paintbrush allows the same.

You can host them on a cloud-based site and they will come it according to the size requirements. On a Droid Phone, I can resize them to whatever size I want. I suspect you can do the same with an iPhone.

When you export them, select the size allowed by the forum. In this case, 800 pixels wide.
Try Picassa. I'm not tech smart at all and I have no problem with Picassa. Simple to downsize, it gives you your size options and you just click. And I still don't have a cell phone.
I have my camera set as low as it can go. Not a pc or techie guy.Some sites go thru my pc and do it automatic.
I downloaded picresize for here. One at a time.....
On my phone I use an app called Resize It. It's free, and since all the pictures I post are taken from my phone and most of my HuntTalkin is done on my phone it works well.
I use a camera and have it set for maximum file size, then download all photos to a PC. I make a copy of the photos that I want to upload to a forum and resize them accordingly. That way I have the high quality photo for as long as I want to keep it and have a usable photo to share with forum users.
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