If you could live anywhere???

Chugiak Alaska. Weather sucks, crime is high, no jobs, etc. My dreams come true every day. I have zero desire to move out of state.

Ester Alaska. No traffic..no red lights all the 12 miles to work.

long warm summers, gardening at midnight, fly fishing at 2 am

excellent cross country skiing all winter long

northern lights

hunting season starts Aug 10 (Sheep/Caribou), through November for deer on Kodiak

big halibut and king salmon

wilderness hunting with no competition from bubbas
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You Alaska guys make me very jealous ! Alaska would be my first choice also.
I have a real good chance of working from home full time as early as next year and my boss is open to an out of state location in the lower 48. If that comes to pass, I am looking at Wyoming and Montana first with Idaho and Colorado as backups. Alaska would be first choice but my employer was not that enthusiastic about that.

What do you do for work?? Seems like I'm in the wrong career field!
I'm happy right where I am. Within two hours I can be wading a trout stream in the heart of the Smokies, 4.5 hours and I'm holding a surf rod thigh deep in the Atlantic and able to hunt and fish for everything in between.

I lived in the Mojave Desert of California....

Wouldn't be talking about China Lake area??
A ranch in Wyoming and a house on an Island in the Caribbean, preferably around Belize
If I was retired, I'd probably buy a nice 1 ton pickup and put a slide in camper (or Sportsmobile E350....or Earthroamer if I was wealthy) in the back and just go where I wanted. I'd probably spend most of my time in the west, or back in Texas.

Well, I've already got my 1 ton and camper, but the kids still need to got to school for a few years (9). But that's a possibility down the road. After stewing for a week, I don't think Alaska's negatives outweigh the possitives. That place is just too wild. And with all of the Alaska reality shows, people show up thinking they can hack it, and leave a year later... or never leave Anchorage.
Thanks for the input guys. I've got some time to figure it out. And yes, with Alaska as my standard, it will be hard to beat.
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