Yeti GOBOX Collection

Idaho unit 10...


New member
Feb 18, 2011
Does anyone here have experience spring bear hunting in Idaho, unit 10. What type of terrain? Best time to hunt that area? Any info will be greatly appreciated, as myself and two of my brothers are wanting to head there this spring for a bear hunt, spot and stalk.
Its steep and a combination of big mature timber and heavy brush. Snow can persist for quite a while in some of the area, so access can be limited in some of the area in the spring. Any areas/drainages you've been looking at? That could help narrow it down some.
The snow can hang on there quite a while. A lot of bears in the area, trick is finding some that people haven't messed with. If you can get away from the people, bears should be out during the day. I have found that if there are any people around, they go nocturnal pretty quick. We have had a lot of snow in the last week, so I would expect that the country over there got dumped on. Good luck.
Thanks for the info...we will probably hike in for overnight hunts, then back to truck next day. Sounds like we should plan for May hunting.
Absolutely plan for a May trip, seen lots of snow in that country around memorial day some years. Also there was a grizzly killed around kelly creek a couple years back, just something to keep in mind for bear ID.
Absolutely plan for a May trip, seen lots of snow in that country around memorial day some years. Also there was a grizzly killed around kelly creek a couple years back, just something to keep in mind for bear ID.

That was really kind of a fluke though... I've spent TONS of time hiking and hunting that area for bears, and have never cut a Grizzly track. I guess it's worth keeping in the back of your mind, but definitely shouldn't deter you.

There's lots of black bears and it's pretty country. Access can be a pain in May though. There's tons of good bear country in there that never gets touched, simply because its such a pain to try to get in to.
I am much obliged for the info....looks like my brothers and I will try for the second week of May and hope for good weather....and if the good lord is willing, we'll walk out of there without a grizzly bite