Idaho Moose


New member
Mar 15, 2012
Eastern Idaho
My dad, who is 69, wants to put in for moose this year. I found this moose last year while bowhunting. Do you think this moose is worth going after if my dad draws a moose tag? What do you think he will score?




Enjoy the moment, relive the memories.
My son drew an Idaho moose tag a few years ago and at 14 he wanted to hold out for a big one since it is still one in a lifetime. We passed a lot of bulls, but that is a SHOOTER! Definitely a big Shiras.
He's a nice bull, but here's what I get for score.

41" width
29" paddle length x2
9" paddle width x2
8 points to the side
8" bases x2

41 + 58 +18 +16 +16 = 149" and I wouldn't say I was being overly conservative on that score, probably a bit generous to be honest. So if your after a Boone and crockett Moose, I'd say pass this guy. But he's as big or bigger than probably 90% of the Shiras bulls killed every year in Idaho. And he will probably be bigger this coming year! Just my .02cents.
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I'm certainly no moose expert, but that don't look like typical moose habitat to me. Regardless of the habitat, I'd say if you can get the tag he's worth it. Thanks for sharing the pics.
Bang!Then again I'm from Pa and we have no moose,but I think that would be the only one I'd have to look at if drawing the tag
Was planning to enter Id. for moose this year,but have 2 trips to wy. planned and a trip to africa.Not a good year to try for me
I agree with the score, although I am not sure on the numbers. I doubt that moose would be close to b&c although in my mind a trophy. Remember that although not a b&c trophy it can be a very good animal. A 350 bull elk does not make b&c but I would not hesitate shooting one.
Definitely a shooter.

As for habitat, I see them out in the open and in the fields like that all the time!
The real question is.... WHY WOULDN'T HE? Looks like a good one and a year older( if he made it) won't hurt. Do it... Do it...
One thing I like to do to help me judge a bull moose is pay attention to what his antlers do just after they come off the base. My grandfather, father, brother, sister, and I have all shot Idaho moose bulls and we like to look for a bull that obviously has good palms, but one that as it leaves the base, comes out away from the skull and then drops/swoops down out and away before it comes back up into the start of the palm. In the first picture you notice he comes out and then up with little drop like a little better bull would. Now lets get realistic. There are fewer moose due to the wolves playing such a devastating role so getting a chance to shot this bull if he came out would be a treat for most people. I think he would be a great bull this year!!!
I cant get 149 outta that bull, although he is a good looking bull. I'm not gonna list my numbers like you did GT, but I dont think that bull would score 138. With that said, he is a good bull... LIke NWWA said, Boone and Crockett is a lofty goal...I passed up 26 bulls before I shot one last year and he still doesn't make book.
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