Caribou Gear Tarp

Idaho Archery Antelope Opener....


New member
Jan 8, 2001
Anyone get out on opening day for antelope, I'm going to sneak a day away tommorow, just curious if anybodys been out and about yet chasing the speed goats around.........
One guy on this Board ws Rumored to have gone out.... athough the rumor was he went to move his blind when a Nice lope was coming in too :D :D

OOPS !!!! ;)
One guy on this Board ws Rumored to have gone out.... athough the rumor was he went to move his blind when a Nice lope was coming in too

What a dumb arse?!? I would never do something that...... Oh wait it was me. Yep wouldn't you know it I sit between 3 water sources. One spring that was 60 yards above me and 2 water troths sp? below at about 25 yards. I had a small group of 8 come in to the spring above and wind me. No big deal because there was only one small 8" buck in the heard. So I start thinking they must be hitting that spring more then the throths. If I hurry I can move my double bull blind in 5 minutes or less. I scan the area, obviously not very good, and hall arse moving it. About 4 steps into the move I here duvvvvvvvv. I stop, then duvvvvvv again. F$%k!!! I turn around and see a good 14" buck staring at me about 100 yards away from the troths. So I do what any true sportsman would do and gave him the bird. Walked up put my blind down and sat for another 4 hours without anything coming in.

So to answer your question I did go hunting and hope to go again soon. Good luck when you go and I hope you have better luck then I did. I did find something pretty cool though. I'll post in the shed section soon.
got my bro-in-law and friends down near Grand View, but have not heard a report. was supposed to leave tonite, but the dang whiff invited one her friends up from CA, so I have to take them out on the boat all weekend and stare at bikinis hump
Bambistew said:
IB are you missing your two front teef? LOL Have you ever seen an albatroth? :D

I knew I'd screw the spelling or the meaning up. I did google it and I think I was trying for water trough. What is an albatroth?
Saw 9 bucks today, all were small 1 1/2-2 1/2 yr olds, one decent buck in the distant,geussing 14"+ but was little to far off to judge that well......they were'nt in there normal spot they have been last few yrs, so I had to do a bit of runnin/glassin, finally found a good pond thats been getting hammered, 45 yds at widest point, good place for a blind, normally all I do is spot/stalk and wait for the rut to kick in to decoy, but I feel I might need to add a double bull or brickhouse to the arsenal........I know DB are real popular, but I see guys like Micheal Waddell using the brickhouse on roadtrips......anyone have experience with them, there couple hundred cheaper, figured I could get a portable dvd player to watch movies while waiting for thirsty goats.
I got out the other day and had a group of 9 (1 buck 12in) come in, but they were very spooked and bolted before they drank??? They came back after shooting time and drank and ate for a long time...I didn't leave the blind until 10:45...long day!
I'm hoping they'll calm down and give me another chance.