Idaho 28-1 Sheep help!


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2015
Alright... So I know a guy who's drawn that tag. He's excited except that unit is now burning with no end in sight. I know his pain. I drew 27-2 when it burned and watched as my dream hunt dwindled away to black and ash. And the rams left before opening. Holding that kind of tag with rams bedded down 300 yards out of your area will bring a man to tears.

If ANYBODY is scouting or hunting that area please keep him in mind if you see a ram let me know. You don't have to be specific. He doesn't want pinpoints. If you're deer or elk hinting this fall PLEASE keep an eye out for rams and let me know if you spot one. The rangers have said they might not be able to stop it if it jumps panther creek. If that happens his whole unit will probably burn.

I forgot to mention if you bought a Salmon B tag you may want to watch this one as well. There's not a whole lot of stopping a fire this big in that country.
If your buddy was to fill his tag it likely wouldnt be in what has burned so far either way, if it crosses panther may or may not impact his chances. Theres already some burns on west side that may retard even prevent growth on that side. River road is now open so there is atleast some access now.
If your buddy was to fill his tag it likely wouldnt be in what has burned so far either way, if it crosses panther may or may not impact his chances. Theres already some burns on west side that may retard even prevent growth on that side. River road is now open so there is atleast some access now.
We're watching it pretty close. Hard part about being a fireman is we both know the guy that back lit a large portion of that. We've heard the long term management plan and it doesn't sound good for him. It's weather dependant now.

Those guys are doing everything they can. No blame on a single fireman. God bless them. But the long term feasibility of stopping it before the season starts is not good.
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