PEAX Equipment

ID Results Up!

Last and final tally from our group of six. Four cow permits, two doe, so will have to add on four OTC deer.Before some of you go off..... All of us grew up needing to hunt for meat and know that it is tough to eat a rack no matter how long you marinate it, as much as we would like to be hanging booners on the wall. To us it is the experience and being together with others who have been doing it with us for 23 years.
Good luck to you all.
Last and final tally from our group of six. Four cow permits, two doe, so will have to add on four OTC deer.Before some of you go off..... All of us grew up needing to hunt for meat and know that it is tough to eat a rack no matter how long you marinate it, as much as we would like to be hanging booners on the wall. To us it is the experience and being together with others who have been doing it with us for 23 years.
Good luck to you all.

No judgement from me...I shoot the little bucks with milk on their lips. Hope you have a great season. I suppose a lot of whiskey will be drank in camp in honor of your old man again.
I like that they only allow you to apply for the unlimited tags on the first drawing. Why give everyone a chance to apply again? Guys it's real simple to apply for unlimited tags. You put your first choice as a tough draw and the second as an unlimited. Idaho is not like other states where they look at multiple choices. So pretty much if you are looking at any buck/bull tags they will be gone before your second choice is looked at. Hence the reason you apply for unlimited second choice.

Exactly, and when you get the notification you drew the unlimited and nothing else it still makes you feel a little better than being skunked all together, a little.
That Cousin is me. Drew the 11 mulie tag. Bitch is I maybe in California for most of the season if not all. LIL