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I wrote my Senator, and this is what she said back


Sep 26, 2016
Gunnison, CO
I live in Nebraska and I emailed my senators expressing how I feel about public lands and how they should remain in the publics hands and this is the response I got back:

"Dear Cody,

Thank you for contacting me about the use of public lands. I appreciate receiving your comments.

As you may know, the federal government oversees about 640 million acres of surface land, which amounts to approximately 28 percent of the land in the United States. These lands include national forests, fish and wildlife reserves, Bureau of Land Management Land, and national parks. Our national parks are facing more than $13 billion in maintenance needs, and the entire federal estate has a maintenance backlog of approximately $22 billion.

I am concerned that the federal government cannot maintain and properly manage its current land holdings. It may interest you to know that certain Nebraska Game and Parks Commission's recreational areas have been restructured to allow local political subdivisions to own and control nearby park areas. The reason for this change is that the state could not adequately manage its land holdings. I support efforts to provide local communities and municipalities with the power to manage their natural resources in a way that promotes conservation and good management.

While I strongly support efforts to conserve natural resources in Nebraska and across the country, we must responsibly manage our natural resources. I am committed to working on a balanced approach that is locally-driven and provides incentives for both conservation and economic development. It is important to allow for the responsible management of our natural resources while protecting the long-term health of the land. Please know that I will keep your comments in mind as the Senate continues its work during the weeks and months ahead.

Thank you again for contacting my office. Please feel free to reach out in the future by visiting my website:



Deb Fischer
United States Senator"

I'm trying to write a good response saying how it shouldn't matter how much it cost since that is what america was based around. Any ideas?
"Don't get comfortable in your office chair, someone else will be sitting in it next year."
I hate to say this but the hunting community has it's arms wrapped so tightly around any politician with a "R" after their name and has an NRA endorsement that we should start getting ready to kiss a lot of are public lands away.

Elections have consequences and when we keep sending the same old tired politicians back to D.C. regardless of if they really support us we deserve what we get. These folks, especially western state conservatives (small "c" intentionally) are pretty sure they will never face any consequences so are free to be bought off by the big money interests that have had eyes on "OUR" land for years (probably since T.R.).

Hopefully we all take a deep breath before we cast our ballots next Tuesday, and then make a decision not based on if a "R" or "D" is associated with a particular candidate but do they represent "MY Interests"

I am not hopeful that my fellow hunters and gun owners can get past their set ways, hopefully I'm wrong.
406 has a good response.

How in the world does NPS have that big of a budget shortfall? I think they rely on congressional appropriations, right? I can't imagine parks like Yellowstone not paying for themselves.
This is the typical response you'll get back. Its a joke, and one I'm tired of hearing.

Here is a link to provide to this clueless politician, that likely doesn't know chit from clay about what public lands and the associated recreation provide in economic impact, to take a look at.

Some highlights of outdoor recreation:

1. 646 billion a year in consumer spending.
2. 107 billion a year in tax revenue to local, federal, and state governments
3. 1.06 trillion in economic activity.
4. 9.4 million jobs.

This isn't taking into account many of the ancillary benefits of providing healthy lifestyles, getting people out and moving, mental well being, etc.. This probably saves millions of dollars in health care costs.

As an example, the Forest Service annual budget is about 5 billion a year, give or take. Of that about 42% is used for fire suppression. So, about 3 billion a year is used for actual land management.

I don't know about the BLM, but would expect something similar.

So, the question I would have to ask your HOW in the HELL can you make these kind of claims, that you're concerned about the "cost" of funding federal lands and the associated management?

Considering the rate of return in economic value of the investment of 10 billion (between FS and BLM) annually, to 1.06 trillion in economic activity....not sure about you, but I take that return on investment all day long, and greedily.

The other question I would have is WHY are you NOT providing more funding for Federal Land Management, based specifically on the economics?

Never mind providing clean water, clean air, quality wildlife habitat, fire protection, etc. etc. etc.

I often wonder if these Senators and Congressmen have two firing brain cells in their head. I think they're largely unmanned drones, in particular the R's, running around like parrots regurgitating the "I'm concerned with the costs of managing federal lands" mantra.

The 10 billion it costs to manage federal lands is hardly even worth mentioning in an annual national budget of 3.8 trillion.

Write her and tell you you're concerned with military spending and want it reduced...see what answer you get.
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I respectfully disagree in the good response of 406, that they don't want to get comfortable. They are comfortable and they know for the most part the hunting and gun community will support them regardless of their stand on public lands.

Many know that even if some or all of the public land is sold (given away) they will still get that same support.

I don't know how we decrease their comfort level when we keep sending them back with large majority votes in their districts.
I think its fine to remind them that you vote.

Size them up for the xl asshat by presenting the particular the facts regarding the economics. All they worry about is the money.
My REPUBLICAN representative sent me a similar response while my DEMOCRATIC representative said she wouldn't let anyone take our public lands away. As long as people stupid and continue believe that the boogey man is coming for their guns people will continue to back the Republican party, the party coming for your public lands.
My REPUBLICAN representative sent me a similar response while my DEMOCRATIC representative said she wouldn't let anyone take our public lands away. As long as people stupid and continue believe that the boogey man is coming for their guns people will continue to back the Republican party, the party coming for your public lands.

that's an interesting post

Senator Fischer has a vote on this on the Fish, wildlife & habitat subcommittee of EPW. She literally has the power to fix the funding issue, help manage public lands better, but passes the buck in the name of political expediency.

Sad, but keep after her. The best tonic to this email is to recruit 10 friends to write her as well. There is power in numbers, and every person who contacts her should have a force multiplier effect on her retention. Keep hammering, to steal a phrase from TJ's favorite hunting celeb.
My REPUBLICAN representative sent me a similar response while my DEMOCRATIC representative said she wouldn't let anyone take our public lands away. As long as people stupid and continue believe that the boogey man is coming for their guns people will continue to back the Republican party, the party coming for your public lands.

Winner, winner.....
My REPUBLICAN representative sent me a similar response while my DEMOCRATIC representative said she wouldn't let anyone take our public lands away. As long as people stupid and continue believe that the boogey man is coming for their guns people will continue to back the Republican party, the party coming for your public lands.

that's an interesting post
Unfortunately it is profoundly true. How can one so easily be afeared of the "boogey" man, while holding a 2nd Amendment Constitutional right .... while at the same time choose to ignore the National Republican Platform plank committing to transfer / sell / dispose of federal public lands as though it doesn't exist?
Unfortunately it is profoundly true. How can one so easily be afeared of the "boogey" man, while holding a 2nd Amendment Constitutional right .... while at the same time choose to ignore the National Republican Platform plank committing to transfer / sell / dispose of federal public lands as though it doesn't exist?

And, if I don't have a place to hunt, do I really need a gun? After all, I am not foolish enough to believe that with no military training that I am going to single handedly repel a better armed force with superior numbers from my home with my rifle. Just put me in my FEMA camp now. After all, I saw on FOX Noise how Obama is either going to declare marshall law or suspend the election, and that he has those camps full of coffins ready to go.
I would say somewhere around 10% of the time I spend on public land I am hunting with a gun and 90% of the time I spend with a gun in hand is spent on public land.

I received my mailer from the NRA today telling me who to vote for. Here's to looking out for me Wayne!
I got a similar one from one of my Sen. and I replied with my BS call and do your job and fund the Gov. Dept's backed with the budget numbers on rate of return. The amount of $ spent on the outdoors industry and how much $ wages and taxes raised come from Dept employees contribution to the economy.
I also reminded him of the cost of his job and the bennie's he gets,and how little return on our $ we get from him.
Most of the "Public Employees are on the dole" clowns shut up when you remind them they are taxpayers and they contribute to the economy and they well being of the country in opposed to those that pay no taxes and contribute nothing,but false claims & bills.
Said NM & the US could no longer afford him.

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