I should apologize to Randy for this

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Okia archer - I'm curious regarding God as it seems you clearly know the "truth". Is it Christianity (or what flavor of it) that you propose to be the religion that should be promoted in schools, government, etc?
Greenhorn, there are many religions in the world and they can't all be right. If darkness exist so does light, if truth exist so does deception, if God exist so does Satan. Satan is the father of all lies. Satan has been showing seeds of deception since the dawn of time. Deception has made it's way into religion. So if deception exist then inevitably so does truth and light. Jesus Christ is the most rejected person in history of mankind, however in him all truth exist. Jesus Christ is more than a man, he has eternally existed, he was God in human form. He is the light of the world, in him is all hope for humanity. Rejection him has consequences. I believe everyone should have freedom of faith and religion but it's impossible for all ways to be right. Jesus himself said "I am the way, the truth, the life. No man can come unto the father but by me."
Sincerely, okie
Christianity is the solution. Let's suppose the Bible was made up (obviously I don't believe that) but even if it was, if humanity followed the teachings of Jesus and the 10 commandments the majority of our problems would be solved. That can't be argued. Thou shalt not kill. Boom no one else would be murdered.
This would be great argument if the spread of Christianity had never resulted in the killing of anyone ever.
I suppose that was my entire point. Christianity is the solution. Let's suppose the Bible was made up (obviously I don't believe that) but even if it was, if humanity followed the teachings of Jesus and the 10 commandments the majority of our problems would be solved. That can't be argued.
Thou shalt not kill. Boom no one else would be murdered. That's just one commandment.
Please consider reading the 10 commandments today. Mankind wants to be good without God. It's impossible to do so. That idea is Humanism. When we think we don't need God and we can direct our own paths, we are in error.
Man as a whole is fine with rules at work, rules in government, rules concerning wildlife, rules in college, rules in the union, rules at the bank, rules in public, neighborhood association rules, rules in sports, etc. But man wants to buck up at the idea of submitting to the rules of God. The rejection of God and his word has led us to the moral decay of our modern society. I think it's noteworthy to compare the decline of our schools since the 1962 when Madayln O'Hair fought to have prayer taken from public schools.
Sincerely, okie
I have no doubt we would get along, but we see the world very differently. I see too many examples of blatant hypocrisy in organized religion to have any interest in it dictating my life.
Mmm, this one's taking a religious turn. I see an abrupt thread closer coming soon.

Been around enough religious people to believe that religion means nothing except a way to make folks feel superior to every one else. If some old books are the only thing from keeping you from theft, rape, and murder then you have some bigger issues at play and should probably seek professional help.

That's 32 years of Christianity speaking with about 20 years of private Christian school education.
This would be great argument if the spread of Christianity had never resulted in the killing of anyone ever.
The teachings of Christ never killed anyone. People kill people. Back to my post, can you agree that if all of the teachings of Jesus and 10 commandments were followed by everyone that we wouldn't have the problems we have today?
We’re a Christian nation, founded by Christian people, governed by a constitution framed by Christian principles. Don’t get upset when @okie archer suggests we return to teachings and values that has generated the greatest nation the world has ever seen. If it triggers you less, then replace “Christian” with “religious”.
John Adams said, “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Morality and virtue are the foundation of our republic and necessary for a society to be free.
I have many friends of different religions, and although we may disagree on who Jesus was we ALWAYS agree on the principles and virtues He taught. Call us Bible thumpers if you wish, because we all know you’ve never acted superior to anyone on here.
We are a nation founded by violence, maintained by violence, expanded by violence, reached the panicle of world power by violence and maintained that status by violence. We are a violent people, and it should be no surprise to anyone that we have a problem with violence in our nation. Many will even tell you that the solution to the violence I more forceful violence.

The Old Testament does say " Thow shall not kill. but the rest of the Old Testament is dedicated to the killing of all the people God is displeased with or that are in the way of the people he likes. Christianity, as a religion, was founded and expanded by killing those who disagree, and God has always been a convenient excuse for killing. Religion could be a solution to the problem, but it would probably have to be a new religion, based on a new mythology.
I have no doubt we would get along, but we see the world very differently. I see too many examples of blatant hypocrisy in organized religion to have any interest in it dictating my life.
Completely understand how you feel, blatant hypocrisy and organized religion is to blame but not Jesus Christ and his word. I will say again, if humanity followed the 10 commandments and the words of Jesus it would solve mankind's issues. That can't be denied. I don't submit to hypocrites or follow man, I follow the word of God to the best of my ability. I am imperfect but God is perfect.
Sincerely, okie
The teachings of Christ never killed anyone. People kill people. Back to my post, can you agree that if all of the teachings of Jesus and 10 commandments were followed by everyone that we wouldn't have the problems we have today?
Sure. I can agree on a lot of unrealistic solutions to problems. For example, I can solve obesity if we just assume everyone will eat healthy.
Making treatment more accessible is certainly a noble endeavor, but...

Root Cause Analysis is needed. What is causing, at a minimum, 17% of teens to need professional help for mental health issues?
If you can't treat them, how can you figure out the root cause (other than internet speculation)? You need to understand what is going on in their heads to know how they formed those mental patterns.

Also, root cause is important to improve the future, but treatment regardless of how folks got to this point is necessary to improve the present.

I am not suggesting this is your motive, but more broadly I am tired of my fellow conservatives and fellow christians just throwing up abstract questions and refusing to fund any actual steps toward remediating the current state and improving the future state. It just comes across as a false inquiry to delay/prevent any actual work on the problem.

Another poster mentioned above, but is worth reiterating, the combined effect of "we shouldn't limit access to guns because it is mental health challenge" and then an hour later "we can't fund any mental health efforts because they are just all fake snowflake victims and have to toughen up". So that means we do nothing about either. And that does not seem thoughtful or insightful, but rather it comes across as synical, disinterested, heartless and clueless.
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We are a nation founded by violence, maintained by violence, expanded by violence, reached the panicle of world power by violence and maintained that status by violence. We are a violent people, and it should be no surprise to anyone that we have a problem with violence in our nation. Many will even tell you that the solution to the violence I more forceful violence.

The Old Testament does say " Thow shall not kill. but the rest of the Old Testament is dedicated to the killing of all the people God is displeased with or that are in the way of the people he likes. Christianity, as a religion, was founded and expanded by killing those who disagree, and God has always been a convenient excuse for killing. Religion could be a solution to the problem, but it would probably have to be a new religion, based on a new mythology.

Making treatment more accessible is certainly a noble endeavor, but...

Root Cause Analysis is needed. What is causing, at a minimum, 17% of teens to need professional help for mental health issues?
I agree. But we have to agree on the definitions of "root cause". In some ways, a feeling isolation is a prevalent theme. Humans are social creatures and we tend to seek out people like us where we feel welcomed. For some people that seems to be very difficult. Nothing here is a solution because I don't have one.
The evolution of this thread could be used as a prime example of how any sort of action to address this issue, or any issue, doesn't happen. A civil discussion of thoughts/opinions ( civil not being something we see at the national level) followed by nothing changing. The old definition of insanity comes to mind..
Right, because bible thumpers do none of those things?

IMO, if religion helps some people to stay on the straight and narrow, great.

But, there's also a deep denial from the "righteous" that forcing your beliefs on others absolutely creates resentment. I've yet to meet a thumper that didn't think they were better than everyone else, because they'll tell you so, like you just did with your sermon.

Trying to boil this problem of mass shooting down to a sermon on a building or not is ridiculous.
Buzz, you have twisted my words as usual. Show me where I said I thought I was better. Where do you get I thought I was better or I was forcing anything. I posted my feelings as everyone else has. I have the same right do I not?
True or false?
If everyone followed the Bible would our world be without the things I listed?
Sincerely, okie
Greenhorn, there are many religions in the world and they can't all be right.
Who gets to pick the "right" one? Lots of things can "trigger" school kids, even decent ones. Most triggered I ever was, was 3rd grade in Rigby Idaho in the 70s. It was my turn to lead the "class prayer" where I was mocked for folding my hands and not my arms (99% were Mormon). The teacher reassured that class that someday "I would know." I believe I do "know" that kind of bullshit has no place in a school.

More "God" isn't going to keep the psychopaths at bay.
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I definitely do not have the answers.

In the case of the Nashville shooter, the shooter was able to easily shoot through the glass doors and gain access to the schools.

At my kids' school, they recently added some safety film to all the entry doors/windows. It was not overly expensive and would have likely prevented this latest tragedy. Or at least given police more time to get to the scene. It is not bullet proof, but it makes it where you cannot easily shoot out and walk through broken windows/doors. I don't know if it was this particular brand but it was something similar. Video in link shows how it works.

I think one big hurdle we’re dealing with in this country for dealing with this issue and many other problems is the level of partisanship preventing our leaders from working together to fix these problems. You see it in the news so often, and if we’re being honest, it’s very noticeable even on this site where people just blindly follow their parties ideas and could never work together towards a common goal because the other side is always wrong and my side is 100%right. It seems like our politicians just absolutely can’t work together with the other side and we just end up at a stalemate where nothing is accomplished. Communication and working together seem to pretty much be f***ed at this point sadly.
Who gets to pick the "right" one? Lots of things can "trigger" school kids, even decent ones. Most triggered I ever was, was 3rd grade in Rigby Idaho in the 70s. It was my turn to lead the "class prayer" where I was mocked for folding my hands and not my arms (99% were Mormon). The teacher reassured that class that someday "I would know." I believe I do "know" that kind of bullshit has no place in a school.

More "God" isn't going to keep the psychopaths at bay.
Since most if not all the worlds major religions espouse a moral code (adopted by secular as well) that teaches not to murder the innocent, I'd say your pretty safe picking the one you favor.
Making treatment more accessible is certainly a noble endeavor, but...

Root Cause Analysis is needed. What is causing, at a minimum, 17% of teens to need professional help for mental health issues?
Well, part of the root cause is well known, at least if you ascribe to the serotonin theory of depression, which is the target of most anti-depressants.

And 17% of my HS class was not depressed but unrecognized; we keep in pretty close touch. So what's different?

Well, clearly, everything, but if we just limit ourselves to serotonin (and, OK, dopamine, a similar neurotransmitter), let's look at what stimulates the production of same:

  • Trytophan (the amino acid used to make serotonin) containing foods. The list is in the article.
  • Exercise
  • Sunlight (like in Seasonal affective Disorder)
So, of what have many of our kids been deprived? All of the above. Processed food instead of fresh, little exercise (maybe environment isn't safe outdoors, no parent at home after school, lots of potential reasons), kids cooped up inside with their phones (by mandate for 2 years many places).

In some studies 30 min of moderate exercise 5x weekly were as effective at treating depression as meds.

So maybe a little more exercise at school, preferably outdoors, (some may remember JFK's push for physical fitness), and maybe some good food at school; we actually have plenty if we manage properly.

As for the what's different, 95% of us were very active at recess and after school, usually outdoors. We went to church too :>)

Anyway, just some thoughts.

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Since most if not all the worlds major religions espouse a moral code (adopted by secular as well) that teaches not to murder the innocent, I'd say your pretty safe picking the one you favor.
What was the religion of choice in Nazi Germany during the early 40s?
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