I Rolled The Dice.....


New member
Sep 13, 2014
NE Montana...also known as "Little Siberia".

And it paid off in spades.

The wind went down, and the moon came up bringing a clear, frosty morning. I slipped out of the sleeping bag about an hour before daylight, made some coffee, and slugged down a couple cups before making my way up to a high promontory for a good look around at dawn. the climb got the morning chill off, and I sat quitely for a few minutes taking in a beautiful Eastern Montana sunrise. The thermometer said 22*F, and there was only a slight breeze from the north...a perfect morning for seeing a little rut action. After maybe 10 minutes, I thought I could hear branches breaking to my left and close. I brought up the binoculars and scanned the thick timber to the north. Finally I saw the source of the noise, it was a small four point buck working over a Christmas tree sized Ponderosa. A couple of does and three fawns made their way into the small opening in front of the buck, paying him no attention at all. Soon enough, he ran right at one of the does with his neck stretched out and lips curled. She didn't want any part of it, and started circling off. After a moment or two they all disappeared in the trees, unaware that I was anywhere in the country. 10 minutes went by when I caught a slight movement only 40 yards to my left in the dense timber. I slowly raised the binoculars and picked up the head, and part of the neck of a mule deer buck, intently staring in the same direction the other group of deer had gone. At that distance it was easy to tell I was looking at the face and head of an old, mature buck. Problem was that was all I could see, other than his burrs and eyeguards. My first impulse was to wait and see what the whole rack actually looked like, then make the decision to shoot or pass. My second impulse was to go ahead and take the shot knowing that I was looking at an old, gray faced buck. Instictivly, I raised the rifle, closed to bolt on a live round, found his neck, and fired, all in one motion. Through the scope I saw him drop instantly at the shot, but still saw nothing of the entire rack......until I got to him. Man, was I surprised!
Wow, that is a good roll of the dice, for sure. You are having another one of "those seasons." Congrats on another great mule deer.
Yep, that is a good one....as always.

I may have to break down, and take it to the taxidermist.....grin! He's 29" wide, and gross score looks like 200", give or take..looking at the jaw, he looks to be at least 6 1/2 years old.

Is that the "short range" 6.5 SAUM ?😜
Congrats on a buck of a lifetime.
Ross, if this was anyone other that Pat, I'd concure. However.... "Congrats on your big buck for this year!" might be more in order.

Pat was one of those Canadian Super Wolves in a former life. :)
Ross, if this was anyone other that Pat, I'd concure. However.... "Congrats on your big buck for this year!" might be more in order.

Pat was one of those Canadian Super Wolves in a former life. :)

Ha! I was thinking that when I wrote it, having seen some posts of his previous handy work. I still think it is a buck of a lifetime even if he has taken a few of them.

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