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I need to talk turkey


New member
Dec 4, 2003
Lakewood, WA
Our website has been crashed, hacked, and mutilated. ( forum). The season is closing in and I need to talk about my sweet turkeys so I will vent my dreams and expectations here. Is anyone taking advantage of the youth season in WA? I have not yet, but I have noticed a big change in the general season after the birds get hunted earlier that week. I guess I need to join big brothers and get the little guy a gun.
Hey there sneakyjake its chasintom from tacoma page. I havent been there lately. what happened? geuss boss tom better get busy on repairing it. Stick around here its a good site!
Welcome to HuntTalk.

In my state we have a 2 day youth season before the Monday opener. I take my boys out and it is a blast. Taking a youth helps conyinue the hunting heritage and I encourage all to do so.

I do not believe that there are that many who take a youth out to truly affect the birds. What I believe affects the birds is the fellas that go out before the season and practice their calling on the turkeys on lands where others hunt. Then there is the weather and etc. Turkeys are funny and unpredictable most of the time(as I assume you know ;) ) That is what makes it so much fun :cool:
Hey Cam, how are things? Where are you hanging your hat now? Are you and Kevin going to make it to Colville this year? It sounds like pressure will be light with Easter on the second day. My kids are 6 and 3, if I add them together maybe I could sneak them through a hunters' ed class.
Howdy, good to see you here. Ya I am in Ca right now and will be heading up on the 13th or so to meet with Kevin and his Dad to hit the usual area over there. Kevin doesnt get to post too much lately, he lost his puter in the devorce. So once in a while he can get on here and say howdy to all and catch up somewhat. I talked to him the other day and need to call him shortly. So where are you going to be this spring? Maybe we can run into eachother. I will give ya my number if you are going to be in the colville area and maybe we can hit up a dinner or something? What happened to the south sound web page? I havent been on there in a month or so. Take care and keep me posted.
We stay in Kettle, but might move down to Addy this year. I will be over for a while, I took vacation this year. Send me your number again, I know we do this every year, but it has got to work out sooner or later. Tell Kraven hi and to keep a chin up. You guys are in Chewelah, right?
Yes we are. He is running the show this year due to me being out of town....haha. I am meeting him and I think that we are hunting the usual area. Let me know if you are going to be in addy. Come a tiny bit south and we got an area that my support 4 hunters total..Who you going with. my number is 208 371 1796 If I dont answer leave a message as sometimes I am very busy and cant get to the phone. And If I see a number I dont know I usualy dont call it back... But yours is 206 isnt it ? Only one other person calls me with that area code.
I have a gang of 4. It is too hard to control anymore then that. I hunt quite a few places so I don't sit still for too long. I just want hot gobblers!!! Hopefully these guys will learn to call in their own birds one of these days. I look forward to hooking up so I will give you guys a ring. Our tacoma forum is back up so come say hi. The Tacoma banquet is on Sat the 25th, should be a good warm up.
Hello Jake, nice to have you hear... :)

Cameron... I'll give you a call this next weekend, I will be over there about the same time as you are, maybe we can all hook up, before you get out of Washington if you have time this year... :)
Not that far East, but will be on the East side North of Kevin.

You driving up, or catching a flight in?
I am planning on flying into boise and then fly again to spokane where he will pick me up and then to the mt. where are you going to be.... you know you will have to meet up with us, we are not going to be much in the way of running around with little time to hunt...let me know if you can come up the mt. I will give you directions on how to find us ifn you can make it...
I will probably have to skip this particular round, but I do know you will be back, and will make the effort to run with you guys, I'll probably drag a tag along also... :)
North of Kevin about 45-60 minutes off Hwy 20

I can say that next year, I will more than likely be able to go and not have to buy an out of state tag... ;) :)
Hey SJ hows it going man We should be up in that area on Wednesday the 13th gimme a call on the cell phone if you want again to see if we can hook up or just to see how the season is going thats fine.Its going to be a busy week since the day after I get home I am in court to sign my final divorce papers on the 19th.I will PM you my cell number ok.
Looking forward to it. I have vacation for the first time this year. Our banquet went great. We took home a couple of guns and other things. Steve won a youth hunt out of Chelan, he sold it to these guys and got this picture back today. But who would believe I could leave my wonderful wife for so long. I must not love her very much and this proves it.


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