I Hate New Mexico


Oct 29, 2011
Okay, I didn't draw this year X 3 (2 boys + me), elk, deer or antelope. I'm not doing very well today. So I hate New. Mexico. Is that wrong?
Okay, I didn't draw this year X 3 (2 boys + me), elk, deer or antelope. I'm not doing very well today. So I hate New. Mexico. Is that wrong?

Haha oh well there's plenty others in your same boat. I used to love New Mexico in the old days when my favorite unit was a 90% NR draw. Now I don't even know it any more. Haven't seen it in 5 years. No tags. Next year I'll put in for some of the worst units in the state just so I can hopefully return.
I can't buy a tag there I try every year to give them my money and they won't take it! hahaha
I have a heavy dislike for that state at this moment as well, I frantically tried to check the system all day and finally got in around 2pm to find out I was unsuccessful
I applied for New Mexico for elk, deer, pronghorn, sheep and oryx for many years.

After I drew oryx, I bailed and will never apply there again until the residents get a handle on outfitter and landowners.

The most corrupt state when it comes to allocation of wildlife resources in the West, hands down.
I applied for New Mexico for elk, deer, pronghorn, sheep and oryx for many years.

After I drew oryx, I bailed and will never apply there again until the residents get a handle on outfitter and landowners.

The most corrupt state when it comes to allocation of wildlife resources in the West, hands down.

I agree. I stopped applying there in 2014. My Money goes alot further in CO and WY.
While the resident allocations suck, at least everyone is in the same running without preference points. I didn't draw NM antelope or elk this year, but I've also watched my sure thing 100% draw by PP's in other states fail to draw every year over the last 3 years so there is at least some purity to the draw. As someone who never got in on the ground floor of any states preference point system because I'm too young I think a lot of the other states are horrible in their own ways.
I gave up on all other states. I used to hunt 6.
Yeah NR used to have best odds and all here.I know I was one.
I just got tired of points&creep,outfitter problems,overlapping/multiple hunts,impossible odds ,cost and rude residents.
I bought my little dream in NM and live with the outcome.
Good Luck & Good Hunting ,here, elsewhere to all.
Conversely, I am ready to marry NM at the moment after drawing the 16C tag :)

I obviously can't complain about squat - and certainly there are some issues with the way they have come to manage tag allocation and the LO tag issues.

But - It's still nice to have a shot every year without being in a point game. I'm living proof that someone has to draw those difficult tags. With low double-digit points, I theoretically may never catch up to the high point holders in my own state's top units, but through a (massive) stroke of good fortune, I get to hunt a top unit in NM.
I like New Mexico, I struck out this year, its only the second year I have applied for elk. The first time, in 2014, I drew the lone NR Valles Caldera tag.
I like that I have a chance every year. I'm to old to get in on any preference point system.
I guess dad and I just finally had some luck drawing unit 51. We haven't been able to ever draw a limited entry tag anywhere outside of Wyoming antelope. It was our first time putting in for New Mexico. Even though it isn't a premier tag like the Gila units, we should have a good shot at a bull if we work at it.
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I have killed a couple of critters in New Mexico but honestly can't say I have been given much lovin in the draw. IDK, I just keep going back for more...
I used to like New Mexico.

The first time we (me and my hunting buddy) applied we drew the first Valle Vidal rifle elk hunt. This is an OIL hunt. We both shot 6x6 bulls. We were so ecstatic with our luck we decided to apply again the next year. The very next year we drew rifle elk tags in unit 16A in the Gila. We both shot 6x7 bulls. After that our wives didn't want us applying in New Mexico any more.
I would like to remind you of my feelings on NM. But I don't want to talk about it. X3 strike out again.
I applied for New Mexico for elk, deer, pronghorn, sheep and oryx for many years.

After I drew oryx, I bailed and will never apply there again until the residents get a handle on outfitter and landowners.

The most corrupt state when it comes to allocation of wildlife resources in the West, hands down.

Preach, Brother Buzz, preach!! Satan has taken ahold of NM and caused evil things to happen. Let us pray. Our Father, please impart the wisdom upon NM F&G and the lawmakers to find it in their hearts to change back to the old allocation. I do not even ask they end the landowner and outfitter welfare but rather they seek your guidance to embrace the shining light that is the do it yourself non-resident hunter. We ask this in the name of Fred Bear and Daniel Boone, Ahhhhmen.
Preach, Brother Buzz, preach!! Satan has taken ahold of NM and caused evil things to happen. Let us pray. Our Father, please impart the wisdom upon NM F&G and the lawmakers to find it in their hearts to change back to the old allocation. I do not even ask they end the landowner and outfitter welfare but rather they seek your guidance to embrace the shining light that is the do it yourself non-resident hunter. We ask this in the name of Fred Bear and Daniel Boone, Ahhhhmen.

I guess dad and I just finally had some luck drawing unit 51. We haven't been able to ever draw a limited entry tag anywhere outside of Wyoming antelope. It was our first time putting in for New Mexico. Even though it isn't a premier tag like the Gila units, we should have a good shot at a bull if we work at it.

Didn't happen to be an archery season did it? If so...you took my tag. Lol
Have to take it with a grain of salt. On the other thread a resident just got his first hunt, a 34 elk hunt after applying for 30 years. While residents get most of the tags, the odds of residents getting tags are closer than you think to non resident success rate. The major problem we face is they had around 14,500 more applications than they did last year. All time high for apps. As crappy as it is to say...we need another recession to increase odds again.
In 2013 my unit was 100%( actually not enough non residents applying), 2014 it was 99.5%, 2015 83%, 2016 59%. For first season

The second season was 70.3 in 2013, 83.4% 2014, 51.3 in 2015, and down to 33.4 in 2016.

For comparison, Residents get more tags (151 to 18) but there odds of getting tags for that same period have been between 48.8% in 2013 and 41.7% in 2016. So its just now becoming easier for a resident to pull a tag for the second archery season than a non-resident. At least for my unit. Don't bitch about the state. Bitch about the number of applicants.

To go off of Hank a bit...I drew 2nd season in 2015 and it sucked. They lengthened the season which was nice. They review seasons every 4 years and decided to make the second archery a little longer. 1 day earlier and 2 days later. Great! Except the Bear gun season while also on 4 year intervals...arent on the same intervals...that wasn't reviewed until the following year. Bear gun guys can use dogs. Our season I believe started Wednesday and the bear season started on the following tuesday or Wednesday. But friday night here come all the bear guys with dogs. It was an HD hunt that year and we had howling dogs at 530 in the morning. Wrecked more than a few areas with all those extra people. Had 1 hunt where a bear came busting through the scrub oak 30 yards from me while we were on bulls in the morning...10 minutes later...here comes 1 single dog on that bears trail. Impressive to see. But after that bear came through the animals disappeared.
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