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hydrogen power?

Well, he's not exactly selling snake oil, but it doesn't work like that. I stopped counting the direct falsehoods, but he clearly doesn't know how energy works, and the state of the art for hydrogen production.
I don't know enough to have a educational opinion.. I was hoping some of you guys would school me in what's wrong with it, and what is possible with it. If it were true, I would think one of the leading manufacturers would hire him for future productions..
Unfortunately for him he already missed the boat for hydrogen powered vehicles by about 20 years.. There are already several different manufacturers already producing them
Unfortunately for him he already missed the boat for hydrogen powered vehicles by about 20 years.. There are already several different manufacturers already producing them
Yes and no, in my opinion something like this would let old semis still be converted, or in my case my old truck. I get it, the tech is here and been a thought since 60s that I am aware of.. The tech now as I understand it your still paying for hydrogen at a pump, and those pumps are only in California and Hawaii. This would be self reliant system, just add water? But again I am pretty clueless as to how hydrogen is regenerated with his system.
To me this might be an easier solution for an older truck. Still burns diesel, but don't have to worry about being able to find fuel. Still in the startup phase.
It’d be cool if this ever gains traction. I’m still holding out hope that there will be more makers following the Maverick trend and making smaller hybrid trucks (hopefully with a more conventional bed size).

My wife & I are pretty set on getting a cab over/slide-in camper & truck, but I want to wait to see what kind of MPGs the next generation of trucks is going to get.
I think these same guys are selling a hydrogen powered Brooklyn Bridge on eBay. If you like the truck, you’ll love the bridge.
Yes and no, in my opinion something like this would let old semis still be converted, or in my case my old truck. I get it, the tech is here and been a thought since 60s that I am aware of.. The tech now as I understand it your still paying for hydrogen at a pump, and those pumps are only in California and Hawaii. This would be self reliant system, just add water? But again I am pretty clueless as to how hydrogen is regenerated with his system.
If someone could invent a system where a catalyst of some kind separated the hydrogen and oxygen from distilled water without costing a bazillion $$$ on board a vehicle then it would be viable for the masses.
If someone could invent a system where a catalyst of some kind separated the hydrogen and oxygen from distilled water without costing a bazillion $$$ on board a vehicle then it would be viable for the masses.
Doesn't work like that
1st rule of thermodynamics, there is no free lunch
2nd law of thermodynamics, you can't even break even
3rd law of thermodynamics, it'll all end in tears

If you're getting energy out you had to put some energy in. Think about it this way, why can't you just catch the exhaust from your truck and use a catalyst to make diesel fuel? All the right molecules are there, but the energy is "used up." Water is the "used up" form of hydrogen energy.
Doesn't work like that
1st rule of thermodynamics, there is no free lunch
2nd law of thermodynamics, you can't even break even
3rd law of thermodynamics, it'll all end in tears

If you're getting energy out you had to put some energy in. Think about it this way, why can't you just catch the exhaust from your truck and use a catalyst to make diesel fuel? All the right molecules are there, but the energy is "used up." Water is the "used up" form of hydrogen energy.
He claims the solar recharges the "big ass batteries". The way he comments to the critics makes me think he's selling snake oil, or really sensitive to criticism. He claimed to have built 5 or so vehicles, I dont remember exactly, but all have been cheap beaters. 1 being the semi. I just honestly don't really understand what it would take. He claims the batteries are the energy in, the water gets separated into hydrogen then stored in fuel cells. That's about as far as I understand what his claims are.
He claims the solar recharges the "big ass batteries". The way he comments to the critics makes me think he's selling snake oil, or really sensitive to criticism. He claimed to have built 5 or so vehicles, I dont remember exactly, but all have been cheap beaters. 1 being the semi. I just honestly don't really understand what it would take. He claims the batteries are the energy in, the water gets separated into hydrogen then stored in fuel cells. That's about as far as I understand what his claims are.
The whole thing makes no sense. He doesn't account for the energy losses across the various state conversions, this type of retrofitting in the real world probably would cost more than new build, there are so many problems with it I can't even bring myself to go through problem by problem. It would be more believable if he just hacked in a flux capacitor.
Not going to lie, I think hydrogen is a better alternative than battery power given current technologies. That said there is only one economically viable way to hydrogen that does not involve fossil/carbon based fuel usage and no one will fund that as it is still more taboo than oil. What is that you say? Leans in to whisper....."nuclear"
Not going to lie, I think hydrogen is a better alternative than battery power given current technologies. That said there is only one economically viable way to hydrogen that does not involve fossil/carbon based fuel usage and no one will fund that as it is still more taboo than oil. What is that you say? Leans in to whisper....."nuclear"
There are pros and cons of a "hydrogen economy" and I hope we continue to investigate agressively (and go gen4/5 nuke go), but these yahoos are not the answer. And 80% of their babble comes from late night infomercial speak. I guarantee they have not captured H2 at a rate higher than "ever in the history of humankind" - and all the other silly bluster they spew.
There are pros and cons of a "hydrogen economy" and I hope we continue to investigate agressively (and go gen4/5 nuke go), but these yahoos are not the answer. And 80% of their babble comes from late night infomercial speak. I guarantee they have not captured H2 at a rate higher than "ever in the history of humankind" - and all the other silly bluster they spew.
Yeah snake oil stuff. H2 is not going to be captured naturally unless it includes O. Those yahoos are the ones that turn more people off to hydrogen. Hydrogen is in use in limited capacity. Company I work for posted this: Hydrogen Truck Use

It is a long way off before a hydrogen infrastructure is in place though.
I figured it was bs.. It didn't make sense to me, I just didn't know if I was that dumb. He must have smoked his breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Hydrogen (specifically electrolysis) is a fun space to work in, but I spend an awful lot of my time debunking stupid nonsense. On the bright side, it's surprisingly close to widespread commercial adoption. We use a staggering amount of hydrogen already.

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