Hunttalk VIDEO....SWEET!!!


New member
Dec 6, 2004
So...If i have hunts that I have filmed just send them in...?
Sweet!!! are you accepting whitetail, turkey etc?? I have 12 clean kill shots from this past fall alone and 8 turkey hunts from 04 alone... Does anyone eles film their hunts and what video camera yah use? I started using Mini DV last spring and its much better then 8, HI8 or Digital HI8... Klawhorn Industires is the best video camera arm that i have ever used and highly recommend it to anyone who wants to film thier own hunt from ground or elevated position.
getting this video out sounds like a great idea...will it be sold on DVD or...? thanks
hey, i know moosie has asked for anything you want to send in..send it all..should be a good video!!
Yes DVD... AThis year We're accepting Everything. Some stuff might get Cut Or all might get thrown in. To be honest I've been promised Video and have about... Ohhhhhhhh 1 :( :( so far (MtMiller's) Besides the Lousy Crap I video taped ;) .

I do have "SOME" pictures but my Email box sit's Idol...... :(

In order for this to work, We need to get Everyone involved. Send Pictures of your Kills or Send Video of Hunting Stuff.

We have a Team of 5 video Editors Lined up Jan 8th To kick this Mother out... I jsut need everything delivered to me by Dec 31st !!!!!!

Go to the Big game section to Read Exactly what I want/need. This is A DVD, only people that post here. This is going to be like a Family boxing match.. I can tell :D
Are you going to use that video of the buck I sent you? Did you get my message about using any of my live mule deer Pics under my hunttalk album?
YAH.. I got that Info. My program couldn't convert that file so I never posted it yet. Although I could Upload it as is and some could see it I'm sure. I was jsut going to Compress it a Tad first for speed...... I could View it and it was Cool. I am going to use a New and Different format probably for this Video. I'm gonig to take a look-see at the Program Early next week....