Hunting Season is Over!!


Jan 7, 2020
Its that time of year again where hunting is pretty much done with until next year. Lots of hours go into studying and picking apart units i want to put in for, watching videos and trying to better my techniques for specific game, and just dreaming wvery day about what next year has in store. But as far as the excitement of hunting, thats 6+ months away!! What does wveryone do during this time?
I try to "bank" time with the family.

My work has me away from home every other week. Throw in a hunting trip or two in a row, and it could be a month before I really see my wife and kid. So making up time is important to me.

That and getting/staying in better shape
Not sure about you but I look at it like Hunting season is just starting back up. Spring bear draws need to be put in for, out of state hunt draws need research and put in for and as soon as the snow will allow I will be in the mountains setting cameras that will keep an eye on what the animals have been through over the winter and give me a good idea of what's in my local hunt area. New gear needs to be researched and purchased if something didn't make it through last season or just flat out didn't cut it and by now most of last years hunting content has been posted on Youtube and various other streaming services so treadmill time and workouts don't get too stale.
Build arrows, work up rifle loads, mess with gear, get ready for 3D season, wrestle my toddler (I'm 157-0 currently) bowfish canal pools, enjoy the fact that it's not summer yet, kick myself for not hunting more...
Hunting season's always open somewhere.

Chasing wolves and lions for a while.
This year again, try to stay in hunting shape which falls away quicker each passing year. Figure what states I have a chance to burn my years of accumulated points before I’m too old to use them. Learn to shoot my bow with my new titanium shoulders and in a couple months start shooting gophers. There is always fish to be caught and improvements to our land to make.
Travel, we are on our last day in Oregon having just driven the coast Portland to Seaside to Crescent City, Jedediah Redwoods and Grants Pass back to Portland (no tourists with their trailers and motor homes)!
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