hunting knife help


Active member
Feb 27, 2002
i have an old timer knife that is not stainless steel.i bought it for my son last year.the knife looks like it is rusting already but the residue on there doesnt even look like rust.ive seen knives that look like this before and im sure some of you know what im talking aboutwhen this first started i thought this was blood he didnt get cleaned off but it wasnt and just continued to get worse.i have another knife like this that i dont use ofter so it isnt happening to that can i stop this from happening and what can be done to fix my sons knife
I have an old timer that did that same thig. I noticed it after working cattle one day and thought it was from the blood. After claning it real good with soapy water and drying it real good, I hosed it down with some oil and let it set for a few days. Then I used some fine steel wool to rub out the spots. Your right, it looks like rust but it is differant. I still have some spots on it, that wont go completely away or keep coming back. I even thought of contacting the company to see what they reccomend, after all, a good knife is hard to come by, especially if it is a gift.
you are right about that a good knife is hard to come by. this knife hold an edge really well but it really looks terrible. ill try cleaning it with the steel wool. anybody else have any ideas
Since your knife isn't guess is your knife is just "tarnishing/staining" High carbon steel will turn a dark grey from use. Kind of like leather turns darker the more it's used (boots, holsters, saddles, etc). I don't think there's any thing you can do about it.
What you are probably seeing is oxidation but not in sufficient quantities to be harmful. All carbon steel will oxidize, especially when exposed to something as acidic as blood. A good carbon steel blade will turn a dark grey color with use. It really can't be avoided. As you use the knife more, and the greying spreads out and becomes more even, it will look more normal.

I am not aware of any process that will remove the oxidation except for bead blasting or vapor honing. Either of those may damage the edge and may affect the hardness of the steel.

No worries on the discoloration. Its the sign of good carbon steel. I've got several old timers and schrades. The more they are used and as the years pass, the darker they get. Blood especially gets them darker.

Look at it as a good thing. Congrats on the successful florida pig hunt.

T Bone

its actually the same knife you took to hollister.i guess ill just have to live with it.thanks for the congrats but it wasnt near as much fun as california, maybe if you guys were here to share it.
Tim - didja drink beer? ;) Or it could have been the food on our California trip. Nah, I think it was the beer - even if Tyson didn't join in. Chopper was glad - more for him. :D
rick i dont remember drinking more than a few beers.not saying i didnt i just dont remember :D
I used some metal polish on my knife and it took most of the spots right off. There are a few spots that were really bad, but it worked pretty good for the most part. Almost like having a new knife.
I think I might be able to give you guys some help with your tarnished knives. I open, repais and service safes and vaults for a living. When people in a bank open their vault doors, the ladies use both hands to pull the door open. Sometimes they get behind the door and push them open. Some of these door weigh up to six tons! When the oils on their hands get on the stainless steel doors, the metal discolors, and I have to clean them up. This discoloration looks like rust, but it is harder to remove. I use a product made by a company called Mosler, that is an oil base with some kind of cleaning agent in it. Look in your phone book under Locksmiths, Safes, Vaults, or Safe repairing, and call the shop. Ask them if you can purchase a small amount of this vault door cleaner. It should work with your knives. If you can't find it, e-mail me at [email protected], and I'll see if I can locate a source for you. The people in this trade are a pretty good bunch of guys. More than likely, the'll just give you some, or tell you how to mix it up.
Good luck.

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