Yeti GOBOX Collection

Hunting In Bear Country

Just joking. I secure my food, toiletries, cooking gear, etc. out of reach of bears when camping in bear country. My clothes I keep with me, what I wear and what I use as a pillow in a stuff sack. One time I spilled smoked oysters on a rain poncho, used that poncho to cover my pack on the ground, and sure as hell a bear stole the poncho overnight. So I don't take smoked oysters in bear country anymore. I think as long as you don't spill something really smelly on yourself, you're OK.
Check with local NFS office, some have special bear storage rules and they also know where sightings and incidents have been so they are sometimes a a huge plus for just 5 mins on phone. Choose a good camp site, keep it clean and practice storage as you will read about in those above references. Watch all your trash like stuffing gondola or PB&J wrappers in clothing or pack pockets. Most are simple they stay away from you but don't temp them, problems usually involves Cubs and surprising then while sneaking around.

Shoulder length gloves for gutting.

Extra clothes to cook in.

Electric fences.

Great if you hunt out of an RV.

Grizzlies make back pack hunting a royal PIA.

I have yet to bone an elk by myself and not get covered in blood.

The statistics are changing very quickly.

I'm with Donnie - I will take lightning and rattlesnakes any day.
I also lurk there some, but don't really post. I did just buy a MR pack off their classifieds page though.
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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