Caribou Gear Tarp

Hunting conspiracy theories


New member
Jun 22, 2018
The season is over and I’m bored, so let’s have some fun...

For some reason, the hunting community seems to be infatuated with conspiracies. If the hunting wasn’t as good as last year, or the year before, or when granddaddy hunted, it’s always somebody else’s fault, right? And I know it’s true because my cousin saw it happen!

So, what’s your favorite ridiculous conspiracy among your buddies?

I’ll start: Where I live in California, there is this perpetual idea that the animal rights activists buy all the deer tags in the beginning of the year, just to throw them away and deprive hunters a chance at their bloodsport. As if a non-hunter is going to go take Hunter Education, buy a license, apply for a tag, pay for a tag, and then toss it - just to protest deer hunting. And as always, there’s no actual evidence of this, but of course, everyone knows it happens.
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I’ll start: Where I live in California, there is this perpetual idea that the animal rights activists buy all the deer tags in the beginning of the year, just to throw them away and deprive hunters a chance at their bloodsport. As if a non-hunter is going to go take Hunter Eduction, buy a license, apply for a tag, pay for a tag, and then toss it - just to protest deer hunting. And as always, there’s no actual evidence of this, but of course, everyone knows it happens.

I heard that one frequently when I lived in NorCal.

Here the big one is that ODFW has covertly been trucking wolves around the state for the last 30 years, and recently started importing grizzlies. Just this year I hear they put one in Crater Lake National Park.

And back in 2005 a lady shot a grizzly on the east side of the state. ODFW paid to have a full body mount done and let her keep it so they wouldn't be exposed.

I guess USFWS didn't have any input on that...
Not the theories of my buddies but I hear these pretty often:

Coyotes are stocked by wildlife agencies to control deer populations because the insurance companies are bribing high ranking officials.

Mountain lions exist in the eastern US and its being systematically covered up.

Rattlesnakes are dropped out of helicopters to kill turkeys.

CWD is a myth to use as an excuse to lower deer numbers.

Once a spike buck always a spike buck.

Harvest statistics are completely made up.
“Mountain lions exist in the eastern US and its being systematically covered up.”

This exact scenario has played out here in WI, the DNR finally had to acknowledge their existence after the trail cam photos began piling up.

note: I am not “anti-DNR guy” at all, I strongly support our DNR- but that’s what happened.
The latest one I heard was from a guy that posted here, jims (Jim Sebastian). He's running around on other boards claiming that 2 years of a 4 point antler restriction in a good mule deer unit in Wyoming (1987 and 1988) has absolutely destroyed all the 4 point genetics in that area. Its now a 3 point wasteland according to him...haven't heard a better conspiracy just lately.
Not a conspiracy theory but in Australia the social media hunters who will happily kill 5-10 young stags each year just to lop the head off, leaving meat to rot and never take females that claim it's to "manage the population of feral animals".
Not a conspiracy theory but in Australia the social media hunters who will happily kill 5-10 young stags each year just to lop the head off, leaving meat to rot and never take females that claim it's to "manage the population of feral animals".

Man that sucks. I can only guess, but stag has to be similar to elk as table fare? If so, that's just foolishness on several levels.
APR and Bison ruining all of Eastern Montana.
There’s a line at Havre. Everything bad that happens in your life west of Havre is directly attributed to wolves, East of Havre is Bison.

Your wife left you and drained the bank account? Damn APR
You sit down once on the toilet at the Flying J on I-94 and now it hurts when you pee? Effin Wolves
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