Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Hunt Talk Shirts?


Aug 23, 2013
Beartooths, Montana
Just wondering if there's been any consideration to adding shirts to the line of Hunt Talk Apparel. I see "Keep Hammering" shirts at the gym from time to time and will (occasionally) strike up conversation with the people wearing it just to talk hunting. You know, cause "It's all mental"

I would without a doubt talk to a random person wearing a Hunt Talk shirt if I happened to run into them. I think it would be a good way to spread the word of this forum and potentially meet some new folks.
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OK, if I do this, what color? I would only order one color to start with. They would be 2XL, XL and L.

You prefer short sleeve or long sleeve?
I am in. Like brown, black, or blue. No yellow. Make the minimum order of 5, I am in.

Hope you make a buck.
Good. After the short sleeves sell out, you can order long sleeve, cotton
Cotton is nice, but synthetic rules in beast mode. Short sleeves...sun's out, guns out. I'm an earth tones guy.
Short sleeve cotton, black is my favorite. Would need a touch of white maybe to outline the logo. Synthetic might be nice for mountain folks but cotton should cost less.