Huge Arizona Bulls

Craig S.

New member
Dec 10, 2005

This is a giant bull from our website. To bad next years antler growth won't be to full potential like last year. I am not sure if I am going to blow my 8 points on a drought year or wait...With bulls like this one from last year roaming around it sure makes it tempting!

Craig Steele
That bull and pic looks familiar, seems it was shot last year or the year before, so I dont think it will be growing very well this year ;)
Stan this aint that bull called godzilla or something like that? the one shot somewhere in unit 8?

This is not Godzilla. This is a bull we nicknamed Squeek. He is one heck of a bull but not quite as big as Godzilla was. We have some great footage of him & there is some more pics of him on our site.


What do you guys think of the antler growth situation? I am not sure if I want to waste my bonus points. Hopefully, Utah or Neveda pulls through & draws my name (Yeh right).

Craig S.
Is it already that dry down there? I would have thought the recent snows in AZ would be looking like a good thing for moisture.
I think the antler growth is going to be horrible this year. For everyone who reads this I would suggest you don't put in for any tags in AZ.;)

In all honesty, I think it's too early to guesstimate what growth is going to be since not all of the elk have lost the head gear from last season. We've had a couple storms that rolled through the last several weeks and if we can get some more we might do ok.
Craig, until a few weeks ago I was set on bonus points only for deer and elk. I'll see what it looks like in late May and make my decision then.

I think there is potential this year maybe like 1998, good but not great.
I was going to do the bonus point only this year but I now am not too sure. The rain & snow the past few weeks definetly helped out but I am still on the fence.

From the numbers I have from 2002 it looks like the closest think to what we are going through this winter. The big difference I believe is that we had a tremdous amount of moisture last winter which in turn has helped out with the tanks & springs. 2002 was one of the worst years that I have seen (along with 2000), so I am not sure. The good news is they are calling for a wet monsoon season (will have to see).With 8 points in my favor, I darn sure do not want to hunt a stunted year or a drought rut year.

Craig S.
2002 was terrible and so was 2000; neither were as bad as 1996 IMO. I think we may be a little better off this year than we were in 2002.

Usually the summer storms come a little to late to have a big effect on the antler growth. So hopefully we can get another storm or two in April and May.

Craig do you have any pics of "Righty" the pronghorn on the hoof??
wow with all that snow you would think there would be some water, 2 weeks ago there was 10+ " of snow on the ground 1/2" north of red butte on the west side of the highway and it was coming down still when we lefton sunday.

how much snow if any did it get from last weeks storm?


I have a little video of him. Most of it is kind of shakey. I missed the shot that we took because I was a little worried about us shooting another buck as he was with about 20 other goats.

Craig S.

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