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HR 621 - Is it dead or not?


New member
Feb 10, 2017
Eastern WA shows the bill having been referred to House Subcommitee on Federal Lands on 2/10/17. So, did it go there to die, or did Chaffetz straight lie about killing the bill?
I've been questioning this too. Why is the bill still moving if it's dead? Does it just take a while? Or is Jason a Chaffetz truly the biggest coward in DC?
I just saw a bunch of posts on BHA's Facebook page saying the bill wasn't dead. Can someone explain this? On Feb 2nd I saw this quote from him. "HR 621 does tomorrow." What am I missing?
I just saw a bunch of posts on BHA's Facebook page saying the bill wasn't dead. Can someone explain this? On Feb 2nd I saw this quote from him. "HR 621 does tomorrow." What am I missing?

The only thing that appears to be missing is the fact that another politician lied...crazy huh?
I just saw a bunch of posts on BHA's Facebook page saying the bill wasn't dead. Can someone explain this? On Feb 2nd I saw this quote from him. "HR 621 does tomorrow." What am I missing?

The letter he wrote to withdraw the bill on Facebook he posted was to Rob Bishop in the house of NR subcommittee, but it appears they referred it to the subcommittee on federal lands. I'm not an expert in how killing a bill works but I would think it would stop moving but I'm not a politician either.
If you look on Cam Hanes Instagram he posted an explanation from someone how once a bill is introduced it is property of the house not the original sponsor of the bill. It cannot simply be withdrawn by the original sponsor of the bill, but it is unlikely his own committee would oppose him. That is unless.... it's Rob Bishop and I would put nothing past him. This bill should not have moved beyond the House of NR committee who Bishop is the chair of. It was pushed to the subcommittee on Federal Land Friday, so I question whether this bill is dead or not at this point. Chaffetz career should be over if this was a lie.
I see where HR621's partner bill introduced by the asshat Chaffetz, HR622, has had the same action taken and has been referred the Federal Lands Subcommittee. Not sure what this means, hoping one of you more experienced in the public lands fight might have some insight.
I see where HR621's partner bill introduced by the asshat Chaffetz, HR622, has had the same action taken and has been referred the Federal Lands Subcommittee. Not sure what this means, hoping one of you more experienced in the public lands fight might have some insight.
Check out Cameron Hanes Instagram. It appears he spoke to someone in DC who explained if the House Committee didn't want to listen and kill the bill they didn't have to. Blame Rob Bishop for not killing it and Chaffetz for lying that he could kill it "tomorrow". It appears the bill is still alive and can go through the 115th congress just the same at this point and still isn't dead.
Thanks LandDiver! Perhaps members of the Subcommittee on Federal Lands need to get some emails from their constituents! Many of the members are from Western States.
Jose it is true he sent that letter, but he has lied saying the bill is dead, it is not. If the chairman of the subcommittee wants to call the bill up it can still be moved forward. Chaffetz lies saying he could actually kill the bill. Unless the committee approves of his removal it can still be moved on, and it was moved from Bishops committee (who that letter is addressed to) to a new committee last Friday. Why would Bishop move the bill if he approved of it being dead. He didn't lie about proposing to get rid of the bill, he did lie saying it was dead.
Nothing is dead until adjournment.

Chaffetz can ask for the bill not to be heard or scheduled, and it is decorum to honor that request. The bill is likely dead, and moving it to a subcommittee that first hears these bills may be procedural, but that doesn't mean people should take anything for granted, especially in this political environment.
It'll be a slip in on a Bill.Watch.

This is all out of the media eyes,what ever that means these days.
They are going to ram this stuff thru and it will take balls to stop it now.

Don't see many of those in DC.
I think I know more than one hunter who voted these same type folks into office for different reasons & lands use was last thing on their minds.