How's the weather where you are?


Well-known member
Jan 14, 2019
South Texas
It's getting down right chilly down here in South Texas. It's only supposed to warm up to about 65 tomorrow.:)

What's it like where you are?
Haha, only 65? It's been single digits and below for almost 3 weeks, today it hit 50, and rain. Treacherous to say the least.
52 and partly sunny here in Se Oklahoma today. I was in Ne New Mexico Tuesday morning for work when a white out blizzard hit and closed down the highway I was on a little unnerving for a southern boy.
Got a weather station for Christmas, and have really been geeking out on it. We got about 8 inches of snow earlier this week, but other than that it’s been a mild January.


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Got a weather station for Christmas

If you don't mind me asking, what one do you have? I'm thinking about upgrading mine that I use for work from it's current "hey go look at the thermometer and rain gauge:D" to something a little more tech I can tie in with my other data. My wife wants one for her science classroom to monitor as well.
It’s a lacrosse weather station. I think my wife picked it up at Costco. It is nothing too fancy, but I have compared some of the measurements to the recordings of the more advanced weather station down the road and it seems to be right on so far.

It’s cool, because it ties into an app that I can view from anywhere. So from work 20 miles away I can look at the temperature and humidity inside my house, outside of my house, the wind speed and direction , and the precipitation. Something that’s also pretty cool that I’ve been playing with is you can export the data it has recorded. I’ve been Geeking Out trying to look for patterns in wind direction and thermals since I live on the upper end of a long drainage. Kind of fun.
28 deg fog. same as yesterday and the day before and the day before, and will be tomorrow and the next day, and then next day...
Freezing fog socking in the valley every morning, high 50s when it burns off. I feel like we used to have winter here...