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How much more are we willing to tolerate?


New member
Aug 19, 2014
Hearing within my local community all season what was going on down there and now this... These people have been issued multiple citations for the illegal harvest of elk in this area and yet when court dates come due they always get off...They continue to reiterate a treaty that expired many years ago that allowed them to virtually hunt anything east of the rocky mtn front and north of the missouri... They have no respect for wildlife, law enforcement, or the law abiding sportsman. The lands that the majority of this is happening on are deeded acres owned by the tribe. THEY ARE NOT WITHIN THE RESERVATION. The idea of the reservation has run it's course...It's time to them back into our normal functioning society. If FWP doesn't put a stop to this then what precedence does it set for all private property?
I think that's where NM got "Land of Entitlement" slogan.
They travel outside their "Nation" break the law and go back and hide and get away with murder.Literally.
It's brutal up in WA too. They kill a ton of trophy elk off the winter range or anywhere else they can easily find them.
Not sure if people realize it, but the tribes that come down our way to hunt bison in January also shoot a lot of elk and will pick off an unsuspecting bighorn ram if they get the chance. It is hard to swallow, as all of this is predicated on the supposed subsistence and food traditions. Yet, most of the critters they shoot have big antlers/horns, which this time of the year are the animals in the worst physical condition and lowest palatability. That seems to marginalize any discussion that this is based on traditional subsistence and food culture.
No one wants to mention that those trophy animals are often shot to sell heads and hides to taxidermists. They may use the meat too, but somewhere along the line the definition of "subsistence" has gotten crossed with "commercialization" for our Bering land bridge immigrants from Asia.
From a wildlife advocate standpoint, this is an awful situation that needs to be remedied.

From an overall score card point of pales in comparison to attempted genocide/extermination
It's a tough issue to deal with - especially not sounding like a racist bigot. The solution(s) will not come easy.

I will point out that left wing Environmental groups will conveniently ignore issues like this. They just can't wrap their head around some native's treatment of the land or animals. I witnessed some crazy things growing up on a rez.
......then and comparison. Not talking about it.

But if you want to get into it,look around a Rez and tell me about nature and pride...
......then and comparison. Not talking about it.

But if you want to get into it,look around a Rez and tell me about nature and pride...

Everyone is entitled to an opinion......I will choose to hold my tongue, not the time or place.
I represented a tribe on some public land/environmental issues. There are many tribes, many reservations, many treaties, many states, many laws and the tribes themselves have their own disagreements, just like everyone else. Some don't get along with other tribes. And tribal counsels change with the elections just like our Congress. It's hard to paint everyone with the same brush. I have to go along with ERSS. Although sometimes my tongue bleeds, I have to bite it so hard. :p :D
Doesn't seem right that todays wildlife has to pay for what has happened in past history. mtmuley
At some point the ones who have a Native American history have to plan and enforce the things that the future generations will call their history. Right now they are living in the day and that is short sighted in anyone or any tribes well being. John
At some point the ones who have a Native American history have to plan and enforce the things that the future generations will call their history. Right now they are living in the day and that is short sighted in anyone or any tribes well being. John

Same could be said for any race/culture in our nation today....including the predominant one.
It does not make sense that biologist set limits (eg tags for different animals in different areas) and then
because of 'old laws' and the fear of being 'a bigot' Native American's can jusk kill what they want without a uprising from the public. Where is PETA...............
In the case of Montana I don't feel agitated by natives getting some preference with bison and elk.(bighorns are my exception).I would consider myself a sympathetic to the raw deal our local native cultures have endured, and anybody that doesn't appreciate how their presence has directly affected that "feel good about Montana" emotion,well read a book sometime.I find a previous comment "OUR Bering Sea Immigrants" to be condescending,righteous,and very misplaced.Flame away.
Article VI of the Constitution of the United States of America: "This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding." [Emphasis added.]

It is my personal opinion that a nation state, like a man, ought to honor his word, not only to another, but especially to itself, and especially when it sits in the position of power.

However, there is "real politik" and a principle in international law that some like to use: "Pacta sunt servanda, rebus sic stantubus", or "Treaties shall be obeyed, so long as things remain the same." That way you can say "So long as the rivers flow and the grass grows . . ." and then you just damn all the rivers and strip mine, pave and over-graze the grass and you are free to toss the treaty in the trash can. :eek:

Further this affiant sayeth naught. ;)
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