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How are you spending your time?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 38069
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Deleted member 38069

With distancing in full swing, how are you killing your time?

I've finally ground up the does from December and cooked McCormick's seasoned tacos! Then i picked up ALL of my dog's turds!
P.s. good thing he retrieves most birds!
I've also smoked a few stogies!

What have you guys been up to? Let's see it!
Building a new riser for a bow I made for my dad. The previous ones draw weight was a little to heavy. Also been building a couple cabinets for my shop. But they’re just boxes at this point.189687ED-F7D1-4B67-8C02-98E78276C044.jpeg
I've been hiking our snowpacked gravel roads getting ready for spring backpacking in May.
Usually a heavy pack 3 times a week, long 4-5 hour hikes twice a week.

Also skijoring to keep my youngest lab in shape.
Just going to work and coming home to the wife and kids as usual. Sister is having to change her wedding scheduled for 28th due to crowds over 50 being outlawed but other than that it’s life as usual here in N.C.
I'm still working. Construction has alot of social distancing. Current bedtime book is an old one...Mark of The Grizzly. I recommend this for all locals and especially for visitors to Montana.
That's a good book! I'd recommend:
The Night of the Grizzlies
Grizzlies in the mist

Good choice, that's a good read.
Cleaning up the garden, doing some spring cleaning in the house. Checked on a neighbor lady in her 90's.
Going to the gym, finishing a couple gun stocks, still working two jobs.
I am home spending quality time with family but having to use pto. They haven’t called off work for us yet. I have a three day old so just enjoying the time with my three girls (wife, 3yo, 3 day old)! So glad my wife wanted to do a home birth!
Waiting for my daughter to get back for college after it was cancelled. Then heading out to my property to get away from it all and hunt some yotes or cats.
I'm still working. Truck drivers won't get anytime off. Trucks stop everything stops. Then we really won't have any tp or food. The real heroes. We don't get any protective equipment and are exposed to tons of people from all over everyday
I was with you and your reply until "The real heroes", part. That takes some stones to write that comment. Considering how many Military/LEOs are on here. Especially when you were just upset and protective about your Grandfather's service!

In my years in the Chair Force, I've experienced places in Venezuela and Afghanistan that would change your mind. I'd take a truck stop with weird people as a vacation. That's my small take on it. There are users on here that have seen and been through much worse.
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I was with you and your reply until "The real heroes", part. That takes some stones to write that comment. Considering how many Military/LEOs are on here. Especially when you were just upset and protective about your Grandfather's service!

In my years in the Chair Force, I've experienced places in Venezuela and Afghanistan that would change your mind. I'd take a truck stop with weird people as a vacation. That's my small take on it. There are users on here that have seen and been through much worse.

I don't know what you are thinking, but I've done both the military and truck driver. Driving truck I almost had my trailer blown over, was in rainstorms where I could barely see the end of the hood, near Tornados, flash floods in the desert and pretty much constantly dodging idiots on the interstate. I finally gave it up one night when I fell asleep for about half a mile. One difference between driving truck and the military is driving truck you are pretty much on your own.

IMO nothing wrong with having a little pride in your profession.

And, by the way, there are truck divers in Afganistan, Iraq and pretty much every other chit hole on the planet.
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