Hopkins Student Uses Sword to Kill Intruder


Protector of Innocent Idiots
Dec 30, 2000
maybe we should ban swords.....or at least have a 7 day waiting period on the purchase of them. ;)

Confronted by a student wielding a samurai sword, the alleged burglar lost his hand and then he lost his life.

While the student had left his house and had entered a detached garage where he discovered the intruder, police say he still may have been within his legal rights to strike that fatal blow.

"People do have a right to defend themselves,” said Baltimore City Police Spokesman Anthony Guglielmi, “Samurai swords are not illegal here in Baltimore City and it's like going to your garage with a baseball bat."

While it's still early in the police investigation and the case hasn't been handed over to the city state's attorney's office, it certainly raises some interesting legal questions as to whether the victim will be charged or, for that matter, prosecuted.

A University of Maryland School of Law professor and attorney, Andrew Levy, says the law of self defense balances a person’s right to defend themselves without giving them a license to kill. "People are allowed to use deadly force in defense of their home if there's a felony being committed or about to be committed or if they, themselves, reasonable believe that they or a family member are at risk," said Levy.

Levy says the fact the burglar had no weapon shouldn’t matter if he really lunged at the student prompting him to defend himself.

Police are still matching the witnesses’ statements with evidence found at the scene to make sure there are no discrepancies.

"What our guys are trying to do is make sure the incident happened exactly as it did and determine if there's any criminal intent here," said Guglielmi.

Video from link sux...no impact shot.:(

I know, it aint much..... ya know, they wouldnt even let the guy prop him up in the bed of his truck and drive around town proudly showing him off......total bullchit aint it!
investigating...geeezzz, well he wasnt there to wish him happy birthday! sounds like it worked to me?
next thing we'll hear is a 'max blade' sword length restriction...lol
Baltimore County Police say the intruder, 49-year-old Donald Rice, was released from their custody last Saturday after being arrested in August of 2008 for grand theft auto. Officers say they tried to pull over Rice and he led them on a pursuit through a neighborhood. When police stopped the car Rice told them he didn't know it was stolen.

Kill Bill thins the gene pool...

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