Home School Madness

Dec 11, 2020
Durango Colorado
Is anyone else spending ALL day being a teacher? On one side of the coin it's cool to be hanging out with my kid while I'm off work, but the other side is I would much rather be out in the woods. I am so frustrated with all of this, because I was a terrible student, and I am an even worse teacher. I actually feel sorry for my kid as much as for myself. Sorry just venting a little.
I’m the substitute homeschool teacher but it’s pretty easy since it’s just preschool right now. My kid is complaining she wants to go to a “real school” and has about 12 imaginary friends due to no human playmates...We’re trying our best
My mom is a teacher so I don't want to downgrade the struggle teachers are dealing with right now, but if I have to homeschool why would I not just pull my kid out of school all together and home school?
It would very much depend on how involved the school district/their teacher is in the day-to-day process. Access to technology, district budget, districts plan, etc all have an impact on what that looks like.
Is anyone else spending ALL day being a teacher? On one side of the coin it's cool to be hanging out with my kid while I'm off work, but the other side is I would much rather be out in the woods. I am so frustrated with all of this, because I was a terrible student, and I am an even worse teacher. I actually feel sorry for my kid as much as for myself. Sorry just venting a little.
Not doing any home schooling, however I hope that this situation will open the eyes of some parents to how hard (most) teachers work and how difficult their job can be. I hope the folks that blame their children's teachers for poor grades, poor behavior, etc. are taking some long looks in the mirror and thinking about the root of the issues.
Not doing any home schooling, however I hope that this situation will open the eyes of some parents to how hard (most) teachers work and how difficult their job can be. I hope the folks that blame their children's teachers for poor grades, poor behavior, etc. are taking some long looks in the mirror and thinking about the root of the issues.
Nailed it.
Thank you.
My wife teaches high school.
I feel you. I had to (or got to) stay home with my kids this spring for a few weeks when they went to virtual learning. It was definitely frustrating at times. Doesn't seem like they teach anything the same these days as they did 20 years ago.
I have gone back and forth on this. Trying to work a productive 8+ hr day while also being teacher and parent has been exceptionally challenging. However, I think, for the days I can keep my patience, it is a blessing in disguise to get to spend this much time with my kids.
I am so frustrated with all of this, because I was a terrible student, and I am an even worse teacher.

Give yourself some credit. A decade ago my wife was doing some postbac classes and was having some struggles with a few things in physics. I consider myself good a physics and tried to help, it was a nightmare. She's brilliant, I understood the material, didn't seem to matter.

I can't imagine what some of you are going through, all my respect.
Trying to teach kids online for almost a year now has been the most challenging thing I’ve faced in my career. It’s brutal. I have the utmost respect and appreciation for parents like you guys who are trying to make this impossible situation work for your kids. Thank you. Many do not have that kind of parental support, and it is one of the great hidden tragedies of our time.
Not doing any home schooling, however I hope that this situation will open the eyes of some parents to how hard (most) teachers work and how difficult their job can be. I hope the folks that blame their children's teachers for poor grades, poor behavior, etc. are taking some long looks in the mirror and thinking about the root of the issues.
I agree but...

The problem that I am seeing is that crappy parents are crappy parents. This is very bad for the kids that don't have the help. I know of kids and their parents that are doing no work at home. The children are suffering! Yes teachers do have a difficult job (like said before my mother is a teacher), but most people have jobs that in one way or another are difficult. The issue here is that we have to continue working while teaching our kids. Seems to me right now it would be easier to be a teacher, still only one job not 2. I have always respected the challenges of teachers that don't have helpful parents. The parents that sucked when they sent their kids to school still suck now. When we resume school the teachers will have kids that are so far behind that the kids who were putting in the work will suffer. Just my opinion, definitely not trying to push buttons, hurt feelings, or otherwise make enemies. I really am just venting and ready for things to be back to my interpretation of normal.
I agree but...

The problem that I am seeing is that crappy parents are crappy parents. This is very bad for the kids that don't have the help. I know of kids and their parents that are doing no work at home. The children are suffering! Yes teachers do have a difficult job (like said before my mother is a teacher), but most people have jobs that in one way or another are difficult. The issue here is that we have to continue working while teaching our kids. Seems to me right now it would be easier to be a teacher, still only one job not 2. I have always respected the challenges of teachers that don't have helpful parents. The parents that sucked when they sent their kids to school still suck now. When we resume school the teachers will have kids that are so far behind that the kids who were putting in the work will suffer. Just my opinion, definitely not trying to push buttons, hurt feelings, or otherwise make enemies. I really am just venting and ready for things to be back to my interpretation of normal.
So much truth in what you said about the achievement gap widening during this time. That’s the hidden tragedy I mentioned in my previous post. The only thing I’d push back on is that teachers have one job, while others have two—many of us are in the same boat as you because we too have kids in school.
Is anyone else spending ALL day being a teacher? On one side of the coin it's cool to be hanging out with my kid while I'm off work, but the other side is I would much rather be out in the woods. I am so frustrated with all of this, because I was a terrible student, and I am an even worse teacher. I actually feel sorry for my kid as much as for myself. Sorry just venting a little.
Yup pretty frustrated with it. I have 2 boys one in 9th grade the other in 7th. The high school is closed to in person learning but my 7th grader gets to go to school makes no sense to me. But I have a hard time trying to "teach" my kid while at home, I am luck enough to work from but that is the problem I still have to work.

Our school district just email us and said the high school kids do not have to take the midterm exams. I feel bad for my kids right now they loosing out on their education.
So much truth in what you said about the achievement gap widening during this time. That’s the hidden tragedy I mentioned in my previous post. The only thing I’d push back on is that teachers have one job, while others have two—many of us are in the same boat as you because we too have kids in school.
I gotcha makes perfect sense. I really didn't even think of that. Definitely not trying to ruffle feathers in any way. Thanks for the response!
Imagine being a teacher (my wife) who had to report to the building during the day to do virtual instruction and then helped our 1st grader with his work when she got home. I wish I could have been more help, but I've been completely swamped since the start of all this. But I am glad to have all of the additional work considering. My wife is a saint as are all teachers right now. She's worked twice as hard this year to make it happen for her students.

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