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High Tails

Sierra Wirehair

New member
Nov 28, 2012
I was wondering if you have a dog with a very high tail set but it doesn't pointi in the high position, can you train a dog to point with a high tail? Thanks in advance

You can try and groom that tail as you walk in on your point, but I think it is more or less stuck not pointing when he/she points. You could put your ecollar around th ebase of the tail and see what a charge will do?
+1 above. Except for collar :) Are you talking doesn't point with a 12 oclock tail? Have had setters that had almost straight out tails. Can mess with them but I had a dog started flagging after i messed with it too much.
Just curious why you want a high tail. How old is the dog?

Careful with the collar, if the dog doesn't understand what you are wanting, he or she will think he is being scolded for going on point.
The young dog is 6 mo and the old dog is 11 + yrs. It was more of a question to see if the dog has the genetics for a 12 oclock tail but didn't get it to that position during a point, if you could train them to get it to 12 oclock.
On a recent training session, Max pointed a pigeon , on scent, with a tail at about 9 oclock. Once the bird stepped out into the open he popped it up to about 12 oclock. I guess it just comes down to experience and confidence along with the proper genetics.

Sierra, if you have a Drahthaar (Wirehair) their pointing instinct can be so strong that they will point in mid-stride. Style is usually not something the breeders are as worried about, it is performance.

I have had Draht's for over 30 years and they are all different in how they point, my current dog is very stylish with a perfect tail position. My best dog of the 4 pointed differently each time and except for being the best hunter I have ever had or seen was a clumsy looking dog.

Short story is I would take ability over looks any day.
I agree with you. The original question was more of a "How to" question and if it was a possibility. My best dog, 12 yrs old has a 9 0clock tail on poit but will carry it at 12 oclock when she is excited about other distractions. I swear she can smell a chukar fart in gale force winds. She isn't stylish but a bird finding machine.
For sure, and it might be a possiblity to change it in a dog. Maybe one of the professional trainers will see your post and comment.

Good luck with your pup!

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