Hide usage


Aug 7, 2016
I'm wondering what everyone does with their hide if you're not going to take the cape to a taxidermist. I'm thinking about saving and tanning it if I get one this year, I'm a European mount kind of guy. If anyone keeps and uses the hide or makes something out of the hide I would love to hear about it.
I save my hides whole if possible and tan them,hair on & off.
Couch covers,seat covers and a few have gone to women friends who love the warmth and like the fact I use as much of the animal as possible.
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I have tanned my own a few times just to say I did it and have considered sending one or two off to be made into gloves or something useful of that nature. Always feel like I'm wasting somethime valuable when the hide just gets tossed...
I get some tanned by either Moyle Mink and Tannerry or Rocky Mountain tanners in Denver. Leather or hair on turn out really nice.
If you take care pulling the hide off, 5-6 off an average size cow. Depends on how well you pull the hide off as well.
The last 2 big bodied critters that I've killed (that weren't $1000 mount worthy horn wise) I've sold to a taxidermist for $175 a piece. Paid for my tag, gas, mountain houses and then some.
I always just give them to my taxidermist to help others out if they need a cape but I'd love to have a bunch of pairs of deer skin gloves made. You just skin them and send them out to the tannery?
Skin & flesh.Ask the tanner what they prefer,salted & or just frozen. I have had 2 done by pros.My taxy buddy froze my clean salted hide for shipment the 1st time.
Call your taxi to see if he's interested in the cape if you kill one. He may be willing to pay you for it if it is good size and condition. You just have to remember that if you're in the backcountry, you'll have to tote it out, which may mean an extra trip.
You guys got me convinced to keeps some hides this year. I did some tanning way back when in 4H but never could match the Comercial product. That Rocky Mountain Tanners mentioned above seems fair on price.
You guys who do it yourself what products do you use?
The last quote I got from a new local taxi was about $50 a lineal foot,along back. Sounded pricey to me. A cow can be 7'-8' long.
I think I'm going to have to try to save a hide and try to tan it myself this year, if I get something. I have been working on making my own moccasins out of steer hide that I bought for quite sneaking, rather than wool socks, but a pair of deer hide ones would be sweet.

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