Caribou Gear Tarp

Hi ladies


Dec 10, 2000
Peoria ,Az
How ya all been doing,
sorry I havent been around kinda busy lately.
I clicked new posts and WOW 19 pages of them.

so whats new?

19 pages ? You must have been gone for a week or so !!! :D

Tom and the Montana Boys are going toe to toe....I opened up a Private forumsd for a new Investing online money lending deal I'm doing (It's at the bottom of the main page)....Buzz caught the hecj out of some Fish....we realize what people would do with 9k on a hunting trip if they had it.....CJCJ still doesn't like BofA or Mexicans.... and Spitz is trying to give away Tickets to The olympics that NO oONE will ever win ;)

Other then that, Same chit at Hunttalk, different day :D
yup 19 pages LMAO

April and I made 25 years 2 weeks ago, Man thats a long time to be married LOL
My daughter threw a surprize party and one of my aunts showed up from NY, My sis showed up from Washington and my mom came in from NY ( dad and mom live here but are on vacation there) it was pretty cool,
Dani went all out with every detail. had the same flowers,same boque same cake top and cake that looked like the one we had org. same type of guest book.

I am not all into that type of thing but this was totally awsum, and I was very happy and surprized.

elk hunt before that didnt go well, we got there kids and I hiked a bunch of miles the day before opening day. they had a blast, I cooked dinner at like 5-6 we ate and kids went to bed. at 10:30 Anthony go sick and wiped out his sleeping bag no biggy I always have a spare. at like 4-5am he got sick again and wiped out 2 sleeping bags. it was 19º but the kids didnt mind.
he had violent shakes and a very high fever.
so opening morning we just went for a drive hopeing Anthony would get better too know avail.
we had just increased his heart medicine the week before so I got pretty scared.
My very smart wife tossed some cold medicine in the truck before the kids and I left ( she stayed home) it would bring down his fever for an hour but not stop the shaking so we packed up and came home. he ended up being sick for a week or so. nothing to do with the heart meds just a flu bug or something.

couldnt make it out again till the last day. went up was walking up a small ravine and 25 feet in front of us was a pretty decent bull, behind him a few more. They booked it into the thick brush pretty fast.
I should have had my daughter shoot it in the ass but wasnt worth it, and probally couldnt have gotten a shot anyway.

dryer than shit, 2 days later it snows like crazy go figure.
Boy, There is nothing as scary as a sick child and you try everything! Sorry your hunt did'nt go your way. Has Anthony recovered from it all? Best Wishes for the Holidays, John
Heres some pics of a cabin we stumbled on whie driving around. we tried for a small hike opening day south of here but the boy only lasted a few hundred yards. He did want to try as was pretty upset that we ad to come home.


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