Caribou Gear

Hey Mtmiller, I got a ticket from the game warden

Troy Jones

New member
Feb 11, 2003
Western South Dakota
I was out at the ranch with Codi goat hunting. I stepped out of the pickup and took a leak when the new game warden drove up. He asked for my license and I told him it was in my bag in the truck. He said it was suppose to be on me at all times when I'm out in the field. I told him that was insane. He said he could give me a ticket for not having my hunting license on me or give me a ticket for public indecency. I said you've got to be shitting me. He said it was a county ordinance. I said, well if I have a choice I'll take the public indecency. He wrote me a ticket and gave it to me. The fine was listed as $1000. I freaked out, a thousand dollars. The game warden replied, yup a hundred dollars an inch!
$1,000 don't you mean $10.00

At $10 per inch!

If I got a ticket, they would have to pay me!
MAN.... I'm Glad I wasn't out there.. I'd of Finished Peeing and HOG tied the sucker with my Jimmy and Slapped her with it

Ohhh it was a DUDE ?!?! Uhhhh .. nevermind
O.K.,what have we all learned so far? Moosie likes to dong slap male game wardens and has a scab on his ass. cjcj likes large white bones and has amputated lips. Mntman has an inny and I can't measure.
"slap male game warden" Uhhh I did say "HER" if ya read closely.. In my made up story it was a Chick.. And then the Song came out...

Bown Bucha Boun Bucha BOUN BOUN ... You know the song